Internships Available in State Sen. Will Brownsberger’s Office

State Sen. Will Brownsberger

The following information was provided by State Sen. Will Brownsberger’s office:

The Office of Senator Will Brownsberger is accepting applications for part-time, unpaid, internships for the summer of 2023. There are two types of opportunities available – general office internships and legislative internships. All applications are due Monday, April 10, 2023. General Office Internships are designed for applicants in the beginning stages of exploring policy-making and government, seeking opportunities to learn more and refine their interests. Legislative Internships are designed for those who have already gained some experience, either professionally or academically, and are looking to delve deeper into a topic of interest.

Speak With State Sen. Brownsberger’s Staff at the Farmers Market

State Sen. Will Brownsberger

State Sen. Will Brownsberger’s office sent out the following announcement:

Staff from the office of Senator Will Brownsberger will have a table at the Watertown Farmer’s Market on Wednesday, August 31 from 2:30-6:30 p.m.

The event is being held at Saltonstall Park, located at 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472. The farmer’s market will take place rain or shine. This is a great opportunity to meet our district staff and connect with us about any state-related issues that are on your mind. We are available to discuss legislative topics, such as policy interests or specific bills in the Massachusetts Legislature, as well as any state-related personal issues, such as navigating the unemployment system or the RMV. Please reach out with any questions.

State Sen. Will Brownsberger Seeks Applications for Summer Internships

Wikimedia Commons / ChensiyuanMassachusetts State House. The following information was provided by State Sen. Will Brownsberger:

The Office of Senator Will Brownsberger is accepting applications for part-time, unpaid, summer 2022 internships. All applicants must have a permanent residence or attend school in the 2nd Suffolk and Middlesex District (which includes all of Watertown). 

Legislative internships offer a variety of professional experiences, including policy research, constituent services, and legislation and budget analysis. Daily seminars on different aspects of state government are scheduled by the Senate. Internships require a commitment of 8-20 hours a week for a minimum of five weeks, with possible added research work outside of scheduled hours.

State Rep. Owens, State Sen. Brownsberger Hosting Joint Virtual Office Hours

State Rep. Steve Owens (left) and State Sen. Will Brownsberger will host joint office hours. The following announcement was provided by State. Rep. Steve Owens’ office:

State Representative Steve Owens will be hosting Joint Office Hours alongside State Senator Will Brownsberger next week on Tuesday, January 11th. The event will be virtual and begin at 5:00 p.m. EST and end at 7:00 p.m. EST. Both legislators are looking forward to hearing from constituents on state-related legislative or personal matters.

OP-ED: Keep Health Care Workers in Mind, System Strained by More Than COVID

State Sen. Will Brownsberger

The following piece was provided by State Sen. Will Brownsberger, who represents Watertown, Belmont and parts of Boston:

Please keep our health care workers in mind as you make decisions about what COVID risks to take over the coming weeks. As of Tuesday, December 14, there were 1411 people hospitalized with COVID in Massachusetts, of which 326 were in the ICU and 176 were intubated. That is well below the level in the first April 2020 surge when hospitalizations peaked at almost 4,000, yet for a combination of reasons, the hospital system is feeling a lot of strain. Steve Walsh, President of the Massachusetts Hospital Association testified at a hearing on December 16 about the state of the hospital system. He made the following points in his testimony:

Like many employers across the country, hospitals are having difficulty recruiting staff — nurses and behavioral health specialists are most in demand, but all hospital jobs are hard to fill.Caregivers are exhausted and burnt out — many are leaving for other fields or retiring.In the early days of COVID, it was possible to recruit travel nurses — acute surges were happening in only a few states.

OP-ED: Legislature’s Bill Includes Money for Greenway, Replacing Pipes, Wayside Program in Watertown

State Sen. Will Brownsberger

The following piece was provided by State Sen. Will Brownsberger:

We are pleased to announce that the state’s positive financial position combined with additional federal support has allowed the legislature to make new contributions to Watertown’s health, housing, and environmental programs. 

We have just approved a $4 billion one-time spending bill, funded from $2.5 billion in federal relief and $1.5 billion in state surplus.   

Statewide energy and environmental programs receive $370 million in the package. We were able to additionally allocate $150,000 directly to Watertown to help replace lead pipes that connect service lines to water mains and to conduct a public outreach campaign targeted to all residents and property owners served by lead pipes so that they know to take appropriate precautions, most importantly flushing their faucets in the morning before drinking. 

We additionally allocated $250,000 for the construction of stormwater infiltration systems to reduce flooding of the Watertown-Cambridge Greenway in the vicinity of Cottage Street. The Watertown-Cambridge Greenway is the new bike path segment starting on Arlington street in Watertown and connecting through to Fresh Pond. The project was delayed to address drainage issues at several points along the path in both Watertown and Cambridge. The path design had to be modified to include flood control structures, but it is finally nearing completion.   

Unrelated to the current bill, but also in the environmental-good-news category, the state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation is finally moving forward with a set of sidewalk improvements, river path improvements and landscaping improvements along Charles River Road. This project is funded in part by $500,000 that Simmons College provided as part of its compensation to the state for use of the Daly Field across the river in Brighton.   

The bill devotes $1.15 billion to statewide public health and health care systems. Of that amount, $400 million is devoted to behavioral health, including $122 million to help young professionals who commit to the field. Behavioral health and public health remain centrally important as the COVID pandemic continues. 

We were able to invest $125,000 directly to support behavioral health efforts in Watertown through the Wayside Youth and Family Support Network. Wayside is the nonprofit which houses the Watertown Social Services Resource Specialist positions as well as the Watertown Youth Coalition. 

Of the $617.6 million that the bill devotes to housing and homelessness, $150 million will go to local housing maintenance needs statewide. We were able to additionally allocate $57,000 directly to the Watertown Housing Authority to conduct a feasibility study for the redevelopment of the Willow Park family public housing development in East Watertown. 

The bill also devotes $1.578 billion to supporting workers and businesses statewide. It allocates $500 million to support front line workers through premium pay, $500 million to support businesses through relief for their contributions to unemployment insurance and $578 million to a range of other economic development and work force measures. 

Finally, the bill provides $271 million for education on multiple levels, including $100 million for HVAC upgrades to protect health in local public schools.  

In selecting programs to benefit from the large amount of funding made available by the federal government and the strength of the state’s economy, the legislature solicited input across the state and deliberated at length as to how to most effectively use the funds. We also kept in mind that the funds are available on a one-time basis and cannot be used to fund permanent program expansions. 

Watertown stands out for the effective financial management that has allowed it to be very self-sufficient in its public investments, but we are pleased to be able to support and complement those investments and we are grateful for the ongoing collaboration we have with Watertown’s very effective leadership team. 

Will Brownsberger is the state senator serving Back Bay, Fenway, Brighton, Allston, Watertown and Belmont.  Steve Owens is the state representative serving much of Watertown, and parts of  Cambridge. 

State Sen. Brownsberger Hosting Virtual Office Hours, See How to Participate

State Sen. Will Brownsberger

State Sen. Will Brownsberger will host virtual office hours for Watertown residents on Saturday, March 13. The meeting, which will be conducted on Zoom, will take place from 2-4 p.m. on March 13. Brownsberger said he plans to have a smaller group discussion during people can raise concerns. See the Zoom meeting information below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 928 2006 9846Passcode: 692210One tap mobile+13017158592,,92820069846#,,,,*692210# US (Washington DC)+13126266799,,92820069846#,,,,*692210# US (Chicago)

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