Weekend Fun: One-Man Concert, Meditation & the Nerve Tour

Head to Mount Auburn Cemetery for a sunset meditation session. Sound in various forms will be the attraction this weekend, from a sunset sound meditation at Mount Auburn Cemetery on Saturday evening to a unique one-man concert at Donohue’s on Sunday evening. What is more iconic for an American summer evening? A very unusual talk is happening at Hibernian Hall on Sunday afternoon for those fascinated by the human body. Take a look at the details.

Weekend Fun: Arts Market, Kids Concert, Armenian Art, Pajama Brunch with a Movie & More

The 2024 Watertown Arts Market will take place at Filippello Park on Saturday, Aug. 17. I hope you are staying home this weekend because there’s some fun action in town to join in on. Let’s start Saturday morning with some sweet parent and young child time at the library with the Rockabye Beats. Then in the afternoon, head to Filippello Park for the annual Arts Market.

Weekend Fun: Forest Bathing, Nepali Music, Clothes & Craft Supply Swaps

Explore the forest in Mount Auburn Cemetery this weekend. Here’s a potential weekend plan for locals this weekend: First, go into your craft or art room if you have one, and grab some of the items that you thought you would use, but never have, or maybe you don’t do that craft anymore. Take them to the library on Saturday afternoon for the craft swap. Head home, have a nap, snack, or get your 10,000 steps in. Then in the evening go to the Armenian Cultural and Education Center for an amazing evening of Nepali music.

Weekend Fun: Circus Smirkus, 2 Authors in Conversation, Radio Days at MCA & Summer Party

The circus is in town! It’s too late to catch the raising of the tent, always so fun, but it’s not too late to take the family to Circus Smirkus at the Gore Estate this weekend.  For those inclined to put their heads in their books on summer vacations, check out the Authors in Conversation talk with two Watertown writers, Dewitt Henry and Eileen Pollack, both very accomplished. At the Mosesian, there’s an intriguing theater production, taking us back to the days of radio theater, with old and new audio dramas. Last, but not least, there’s a techno DJ dance at Conley’s on Friday night. I had just been thinking that Watertown needed some more action in the later hours of the night.

Weekend Fun: Juneteenth, Fiddler on the Roof, Mediterranean Night & More

It’s mid-June and there’s a lot going on this weekend in town June 19 isn’t on the weekend, but the celebration of Juneteenth is! If you are a gardener, there’s a way to share your plants that have multiplied, and at the same time receive more for free at the Plant and Seed Swap at the library. If you are celebrating Father’s Day, you can take your dad to a whiskey tasting at Arsenal Yards or to a celebration of Mediterranean food and music at the Armenian Cultural and Education Center. For the younger set a performance of Fiddler on the Roof by the Watertown Children’s Theater is sure to bring lots of smiles. 

WATERTOWN’S JUNETEENTH CELEBRATIONSunday, June 16, 2-4 p.m.114 Riverside St.This will be the fourth annual Juneteenth celebration in Watertown. There will be music, crafts, a dance party, and a kids’ book reading.

Weekend Fun: Herring Festival, Pro Wrestling, Pilgrims of the Camino & Much More

Charlie BreitroseThe Watertown Dam near Watertown Square slows the flow of the Charles River. This is the time of year for counting herring at the Watertown Dam, and they always need volunteers to do that! (Sign up here!) The Charles River Watershed Association has created a new festival to celebrate these special local fish. There’s fun to be had and much to learn about the fish, the dam, and the river. 

Pro wrestling will be coming to Watertown on Saturday night,. If you would rather work on your step count while exploring beautiful Mt.

Weekend Fun: Poppy Social, Art Galleries, Armenian Cuisine

Kenji Nakayam and Damion Silver in Alter State at Drive-By Projects Art Gallery

Watertown is going to be a quiet, quite warm place on Memorial Day weekend as people are headed to greener/hillier/sandier pastures. Of course, it is a time to remember those who have given their lives, so you can pop into the Poppy Social at the Commander’s mansion on Friday in their remembrance. If looking for some air conditioning, pay a visit to see some of the art in town. There is the town sculpture garden in the open air, and a number of local galleries with current exhibits. There is also art to be made in a painting workshop.