Watertown Schools Starting 2021 Remotely, COVID-19 Testing Available for Students
The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Public School:
Due to our desire to kick-start our new year off well, we will be focusing on testing students and staff who may have traveled or spent extended time with people outside of their immediate household prior to the return to in-person learning. In order to accomplish this, we will start the year in our remote learning model, Monday, January 4 through Wednesday, January 6, with a return to in-person learning on Thursday, January 7. In addition to our protocols for social distancing, PPE, handwashing, and staying home when sick, student testing is one of the safety measures that has allowed us to remain open. To date, we have processed 3698 staff tests, with 5 positives, and 317 pools of up to 10 students in each pool withonly 3 positive pools. The indication from these tests is that less than .15% of our students and staff that are part of our testing program have tested positive.