Snow Day for Watertown Schools, City Hall & Other Buildings Opening Late

The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:

Due to predicted snow accumulations, the City of Watertown Administrative Offices, the Watertown Free Public Library and the Senior Center will have a delayed opening at Noon (12:00pm) on Friday, January 7, 2022. Watertown Public Schools are closed on Friday, January 7, 2022 for a snow day. All offices are also closed. The Superintendent of Public Works has declared a Snow Emergency effective 12:01 AM, Friday, January 7, 2022. The Snow Emergency shall remain in effect until further notice.

Watertown Schools Opening Late Wednesday, Over 100 Positive COVID Tests

The Watertown Public Schools had more than 100 positive COVID-19 tests after retesting on Tuesday. Classes will start late on Wednesday. The positive tests were more than 10 times more than has been seen in the Watertown Schools, said Superintendent Dede Galdston. The arrival time for Watertown Schools are: 10 a.m. for Early Steps Preschool, 10:15 a.m. for the elementary schools, and 10:30 a.m. for the middle and high schools. See more details in the letter sent out by Galdston on Tuesday:

Good evening, WPS Community:

We deeply appreciate your patience today as we appropriately responded to the overnight Covid pool test results.

Watertown Schools Closed Tuesday to Process COVID Pool Testing from First Day Back

The Watertown Public Schools were closed on what was to be the second day back from winter vacation so that COVID-19 tests can processed and those testing positive can be notified. On Monday, Jan. 3, students and staff were tested on the first day after the break. Originally, Tuesday was going to be an early-release day, but Superintendent Dede Galdston announced that schools would be closed so that people who tested positive can be notified. The Superintendent sent out the following announcement:

Good morning,

As we process our pool testing, we have made the decision to close schools for today, Tuesday, January 4.