Boston Man Arrested for Breaking Into Homes in Watertown, Other Communities

Police arrested a Boston man suspected of breaking into 19 homes over the past five months in five communities, including Watertown. Jargle Soto-Suazo, 33, of Boston, was apprehended following an alleged break-in that occurred in Brookline on Thursday, Feb. 7, according to the announcement from Middlesex District Attorney Marina Ryan’s office. DA Ryan, Watertown Chief of Police Michael Lawn, Medford Chief of Police Jack Buckley, Brookline Chief of Police Andrew Lipson, Quincy Chief of Police Paul Keenan and Acting Arlington Chief of Police Julie Flaherty announced that Soto-Suazo is believed to be responsible for the uptick in housebreaks in the communities of Watertown, Medford, Brookline, Quincy and Arlington. 

Police departments across Middlesex and Norfolk Counties have been investigating the reported crimes since September 2018. The statement read:

As part of the ongoing joint investigation into the alleged burglaries, police from multiple departments located the defendant displaying suspicious behavior in the area of Colbourne Street in Brookline.

Police Find Drugs on Driver Found Passed Out at Wheel

A Watertown man faces several charges, including drug possession, following an arrest that started when he was found passed out behind the wheel of a running vehicle. On Jan. 9, 2019, at 5:11 p.m., Watertown Police received a call about a vehicle blocking the intersection of Ralph Street and Grant Avenue. When officers arrived they saw a man passed out behind the wheel of a Ford F-250 pickup truck with the motor running and in gear, said Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor. “It took several attempts banging on the window and yelling and he did not respond,” O’Connor said.

Woman Tracks Down, Confronts Suspect Who Took Her Credit Cards at Target

A woman who had her credit cards and jacket taken discovered the person who took them tried to charge items at Target and confronted her, leading to the suspect’s arrest. On Jan. 4, 2019, Watertown Police receive a call from the Target store in the Watertown Mall. When they arrived they found two women, one who said the other had taken her wallet and jacket from a gym locker, said Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor. The victim, a 39-year-old Brighton woman, said several items were taken from her locker at Planet Fitness in Newton on Jan.

Woman Arrested After Attempting to Break Into Two Watertown Homes

Watertown Police arrested a woman seen breaking into one home and attempting to enter another on Dec. 23. A Gleason Street resident called police on Dec. 23, 2018, at 11:30 a.m. after she saw a woman in her back yard approaching the backdoor of her home, said Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor. The resident confronted the woman and told her to leave before reporting the incident to Police.

Watertown Police, Firefighters Come Together to Distribute Toys to Families in Need

A table full of toys at the Watertown Police Station, just a fraction of the gifts that were distributed by Watertown Police officers and Firefighters to families in need in town on Thursday. The toy drive was organized by the Sonny Whooley Foundation. Thursday morning, the Community Room at the Watertown Police Station turned into Santa’s Workshop, with toys for children of all ages piled up around the room. These gifts were delivered to families around Watertown, and beyond, who otherwise may not have a very Merry Christmas. All morning, Watertown Police officers, Watertown Firefighters, and others filled large plastic bags with gifts, and delivered them to more than 90 families around town.