Kingian Nonviolence Group, Watertown Police Sponsoring Vigil in Square

Watertown Square will be the location for a vigil in memory of George Floyd co-sponsored by the Kingian Response Team and the Watertown Police Department. The following announcement was provided by the Kingian Response Team:


The Kingian Response Team in collaboration with the Watertown Police Department is sponsoring a vigil which will include a Silent Reflection in memory of George Floyd and others who have lost their lives due to racial bigotry and injustice. The Silent Reflection will run from 8:15 p.m.– 8:23 p.m.


1) Watertown Square, including the delta & along Main & Mt. Auburn St. Please bring your phone or flashlight instead of candles in public spaces.

Coyote Attacks Dog, Takes it From Porch of Watertown Home

A coyote. Watertown Police warned residents to watch their pets after a resident reported that her dog had been attacked and taken from her front porch by a coyote. The dog’s body was later found by Police. The attack occurred Tuesday night at a home on Langdon Avenue. The owner had put her Bijon Shitsu, Moogie, on her front porch.

Funding of Watertown Police, Requests to Divert Some of Budget Discussed at Council Hearing

How the Watertown Police Department’s budget is used, and whether there are other ways the money could be spent became a major topic of discussions of Wednesday night’s Fiscal Year 2021 Town Budget Hearing. The WPD budget was just one of many departmental budgets discussed during the hearing, but it garnered the interested of Councilors and members of the public, many of whom wanted to see a portion spent on mental health services provided by the town instead. The meeting was held remotely over Zoom. The Police Department’s budget of $10.3 million makes up 6.76 percent of the Town’s operating budget. The WPD has 70 police officers (including 52 patrol officers), nine dispatchers and four civilian employees, as well as the school crossing guards.

Watertown Police Accepting Applications for Citizens Police Academy

For the 30th time, the Watertown Police Department will be hosting the Watertown Citizens Police Academy. Watertown Police Chief Michael Lawn sent out the following information:


WHERE: Watertown Police Station

WHEN: Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m.

WHAT: Watertown Police Officers share and exchange information designed to educate residents with police operations, policies & procedures and community policing programs of the police department. TOPICS INCLUDE:Constitutional Law, Motor Vehicle Law, Community Policing/Programs, K-9Unit, Use of Force, Domestic Violence, Patrol Procedures, ALICE, DefensiveTactics & Courtroom Procedures, Crime Scene Investigation, NarcoticEnforcement and a discussion relative to the President’s Task Force on 21stCentury Policing. Students will have the opportunity to participate in ride-alongs with officers on patrol and tour the police station.

Second Vigil for Black Lives Draws Crowd, Some Controversy; Council Pres. Makes Statement on Issue

Protesters at the Vigil for Black Lives in Watertown Square on Tuesday hold signs and wave at passing cars. A few hundred people came out. For the second week in a row, hundreds showed up in Watertown Square to remember George Floyd and protest against racial inequity. Tuesday’s event included a march to the Square, and also chalk drawings which became the focus of some disagreements. Also Tuesday, Town Council President Mark Sideris read a statement during the Town Council meeting supporting the protest, but adding that he did not support efforts to defund or cut funding to the Watertown Police Department.

Police Log: Man Scammed for Over $20K, Plaque Stolen from Veteran’s Grave

The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department. Arrests



May 18 3:06 p.m.: Police were contacted by an Standish Road resident and her daughter after they found unusual activity on her bank account. She received a notice from their bank about several pre-authorized withdrawals from the account, and an estimated $30,000 had been taken and deposited into an unknown PayPal account. The account has been frozen by the bank and the family. They were able to recover approximately $22,000.