Watertown Firefighters Douse Flames on Roof of Building on Grove Street

The Watertown Fire Department put out a fire on the roof of an office building in East Watertown on Wednesday. 

Welding sparks ignited some insulation foam on the roof of 65 Grove Street, said Watertown Fire Capt. Ryan Nicholson. “We had to open up a significant area around the point of ignition to ensure the fire hadn’t spread,” Nicholson said. The blaze did not spread beyond the roof. The building was recently renovated building that will have several tenants, including Bosch Thermotechonlogy.

Watertown Toy Drive Gets Help from Local Chef, Needs More Assistance This Year

The effort to make sure that every child in town receives a gift for Christmas, one organized by members of the Watertown Police and Fire departments, got a helping hand from one of Watertown’s culinary stars, and the drive needs an extra hand this year. 

On Monday afternoon, Chef Mike Fucci presented a check for $1,000 to the Whooley Foundation, the group that organizes the toy drive in town during the holidays each year. Fucci, who runs Chef Mike’s Kitchen and has been featured multiple times on Food Network, does a lot of work for charities, especially during the holidays. He will be cooking a meal for 1,000 people at the New England Center and Home for Veterans later this month. This is the first year, however, that he has donated to the Whooley Foundation. “I didn’t know about the toy drive, otherwise I would have done it a lot sooner,” Fucci said.

UPDATED: 3 Injured, 16 Lose Home in Fire Near Watertown/Newton Line

Firefighters from six communities battled heavy smoke and flames, the elements and a broken hydrant to put a three-alarm fire on Williams Street, Thursday night. The alarm for the blaze at 27 Williams St. came in at about 6 p.m., and when the Watertown Fire Department arrived they found heavy smoke coming from the back of the three-story, multi-family home, said Watertown Deputy Fire Chief Rob Iannetta. Locating the fire, however, was not so easy. “Smoke was showing in the back but the fire was actually in the front,” Iannetta said.

Watertown’s Fallen Firefighter Added to Mass. Fallen Firefighter Memorial

Yesterday afternoon Firefighter Joseph Toscano, who died in the line of duty in March, was added to the Ring of Honor at the Massachusetts Fallen Firefighter Memorial located behind the State House. #massachusetts #fire #lodd @massgovernor @the_pffm
A post shared by Capt. Ryan Nicholson (@watertownfire) on Sep 9, 2017 at 7:24am PDT

Watertown Firefighter Joseph Toscano’s name was added to the memorial to firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty. Toscano died while fighting a fire on Merrifield Avenue on March 17, 2017. On Friday, his colleagues attended the ceremony at the Massachusetts Fallen Firefighters Memorial outside the State House in Boston. Gov. Charlie Baker spoke at the 1oth annual ceremony.

Watertown Firefighters Pay Tribute to Those Lost on Sept. 11, 2001

Members of the Watertown Fire Department stood at attention for a moment of silence Monday morning to pay respect to the 343 firefighters who died 16 years ago when the Twin Towers came down. During the brief ceremony, which has become a tradition at Watertown Fire Headquarters on the anniversary of 9/11, Firefighter Paul Locker rang the bell on a fire engine to mark the final alarm for the lost firefighters. Locker, a 29-year veteran firefighter, said he was working with an ambulance company on Sept. 11, 2001. “I got in at 8 a.m. and heard about the first plane.

Police, Fire Use Drill for Worst Case Scenarios at Watertown School

Police officers armed with assault rifles rushed into the front door of a Watertown elementary school, and a few minutes later Firefighters emerged carrying injured people on gurneys to the waiting swarm of emergency vehicles. Just then, the emergency radio crackled “This is a drill.” Tuesday afternoon, Cunniff School was the scene of a massive emergency preparedness drill for not only members of the Watertown Police and and Fire Departments, but also their colleagues from Belmont. The first responders went through four scenarios, two with Watertown as the lead agencies and Belmont providing backup, and two with the roles reversed. They dealt with an intruder in the school, as well as dealing with injury situations.