Town Seeks Comments on Draft of Watertown Comprehensive Plan

A draft of the master planning document that will influence the way Watertown will be built up (or not) has been created and town officials seek input from residents. The document is a long one, with 220 pages and hundreds of recommendations. The plan has sections on land use, transportation/circulation/parking, housing, economic development, open space/recreation, natural resources, historical/cultural resources, public services/facilities, energy and implementation of the plan. Work started more than a year ago on the document, and the consultants – Vanasse Hangen Brustlin – held public forums to get input on what kind of Watertown people want to see in the future. The Town Council’s Economic Development and Planning Subcommittee recently discussed how to get input and a schedule for approving the plan.

New Group Seeks Watertown’s Input on Public Transit

Watertown residents concerned about how the town is served by public transportation are invited to join a discussion this week. The newly formed Watertown Task Force on Public Transit will meet for the first time on Thursday, May 1 at the Watertown Free Public Library in the Trustee’s Room at 7 p.m.

The town has officially requested the MBTA to engage in dialog about the state of public transit in town, and the task force is gathering comments from residents. “We are going to set up a permanent body of citizens to debate and talk about public transit issues, and bring up ideas and propose solutions to the state representatives and the MBTA,” said Joe Levendusky, a resident who helped start the task force. ”


The meeting will help lay out the comments that will be presented to Beverly Scott, general manager of the MBTA, who is expected to attend a Town Council meeting on May 27, Levendusky said. The task force is an initiative of Sustainable Watertown.