Watertown Town Manager Michael Driscoll received a raise of more than $20,000 Tuesday night after the Town Council approved giving him raises in two previous years. Changes to the Town Manager’s salary must be made by an ordinance approved by the Town Council. The Council unanimously approved the ordinance Tuesday night that increased his annual salary by $23,000. The ordinance passed on Tuesday listed some of Driscoll’s accomplishments during his time as manager, including raising the town’s bond rating to AAA by Standard & Poor’s, paying off the town’s unfunded retirement system by July 1, 2019 (years before other communities), saving money for the town by entering town employees into the Government Insurance Commission’s group health insurance, and high marks from the state’s Division of Local Services after a full financial management review. Driscoll’s previous salary was $172,500, and the ordinance passed Tuesday included a raise to $184,000 in Fiscal Year 2017 and to $195,500 in Fiscal Year 2018, the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.