LETTER: Watertown Parent Endorses 2 School Committee Candidates

I am excited and proud to vote for Rachel Kay and Jennifer Nicholson in next Tuesday’s election for the Watertown School Committee. I encourage other Watertown voters to do the same. Over the past two years, I have worked closely with Jen and Rachel on initiatives to improve outcomes for all Watertown students. In our work together on the Watertown SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council), I found both Rachel and Jen to be thoughtful, committed, mission-centered, hard workers. Their work on the Watertown SEPAC Officer Board added tremendous value to the SEPAC and to the Watertown School District.

LETTER: Parents Endorse A Duo for School Committee

Dear Neighbors,

Watertown is fortunate to have 5 excellent candidates running for 3 spots on the School Committee. If high quality people like these were competing as candidates for spots in every local, state, and national election, it would be so great! But, a choice will be made and in our opinion Kendra Foley and Rachel Kay are the best picks of this strong field of candidates, with both bringing unique and valuable skill-sets to the group work of the School Committee. Kendra is a consummate professional who grew up in Watertown, has been on the committee for 8 years (2 as chair), and worked at a high level in both state government and the private sector. Rachel is an educational data expert who chose to put down roots in Watertown, works for MIT, and has a record of both tireless advocacy for all students and bringing more voices to the table when important educational decisions are being made.

LETTER: Candidate Reflects on 2023 Campaign

When I decided to run for School Committee, I had no idea how transformative an experience it would be. Over the past several years, I have immersed myself in Watertown formally and informally, watching scores of meetings, attending countless events, and knocking on over 1000 doors. This has been so educational for me. I am amazed by the people of this four square mile community. It is tremendously gratifying that so many have supported my candidacy.

LETTER: 2 School Committee Members Support Incumbents in Election

As the city election approaches, we wanted to express our support for the two incumbent candidates: Kendra Foley and David Stokes. For the last 8 years, Kendra has been committed to excellence in Watertown Public Schools. She has worked to raise academic achievement for all and to ensure students have a wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities. Kendra has been a long-time proponent of the Building for the Future initiative and has been a critical advocate for the new school buildings, both locally and at the state level. Kendra has built strong relationships with the city over the last 8 years, working together to create budgets for WPS that keep us on the track of continuous improvement.

LETTER: Resident Endorses Two School Committee Candidates

Dear friends and members of the Watertown community,

The upcoming municipal election on November 7 presents a unique opportunity at this moment in Watertown’s history to meet the complex and overlapping challenges that face us, within and far beyond Watertown’s neighborhoods, institutions, and city limits. Fortunately, we’ve a dedicated, experienced, and talented crop of candidates running, particularly in the contested School Committee race. As a single female childless Baby Boomer, I cannot claim to know the specific concerns and claims parents have when entrusting their children to the Watertown Public Schools, especially in these complex times. I leave that to the many others who’ve worked long and hard on behalf not only of their own families but also others. What I can say is that I do know that a vote for the School Committee is an investment in our collective just and prosperous future — not just for Watertown but our nation and world.

Watertown School Committee Candidates Q&As

The five candidates running for Watertown School Committee responded to a series of questions from Watertown News. Two incumbents seek re-election, and three candidates seeking a seat for the first time. Three four-year seats on the School Committee are up for re-election this year in the Nov. 7, 2023 Watertown Municipal Election. Both David Stokes and Kendra Foley seek another term on the School Committee, but fellow incumbent Lindsay Mosca announced in June that she will not be running in 2023.

Candidate Q&A: Rachel Kay

Watertown News: Please tell us about what inspired you to run for School Committee, and what experiences you have that would help you serve on the committee. Rachel Kay: As I have watched the School Committee over the past several years, I have found times where it was clear that my experience, both personal and professional could make a difference. Professionally, I have a PhD in Educational Research and Measurement from Boston College and I work at MIT’s Admissions Office as the Director of Research and Data Analysis. My education and my work involves interacting with data in an educational context, thinking about how it can best be used and how it should not be used. This expertise would be an asset to our schools.