LETTERS: School Committee Candidates State Their Case

To the Editor,

Four busy years have passed in what seems like the blink of an eye. Looking back, we have accomplished a lot in the school system and started other initiatives that will continue for many years. Now as we approach Election Day I would like to focus on some of the accomplishments I have been involved with over the past four years. As Chair of the Buildings and Grounds sub-committee, we accomplished a lot and laid the foundation for future improvements in our schools. Here are some of the things I was directly involved in:

Learning gardens were installed at every elementary school and made a part of the curriculum for all grades.

LETTER: Parent Supports Two Candidates for School Committee

(Watertown News will accept Town Election related letters until Oct. 31)


I have two kids in elementary school. We have had great experiences with teachers, our own school and the Watertown school system in general. I support Watertown teachers and schools absolutely. However I see something like the not so great results received by Watertown schools in the MCAS science tests this year and I am concerned.

LETTERS: Candidates Write In About Campaign and Non-Election Items

(Watertown News will accept Town Election related letters until Oct. 31.)

Dear Watertown,

I ask for your vote for School Committee on November 3, 2015. I am a firm believer in public education—it is the mechanism societies use to prepare children to flourish in a modern world. Public schools are one of the best possible economic investments a community can make. Everyone benefits by investing in schools because communities with excellent schools are safer, better connected, attract more economic development, and have higher property values than communities with weak schools.

LETTERS: See the Latest Endorsements in the Watertown Election

(Watertown News will accept letters related to the Town Election until Saturday, Oct. 31.) 

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing in support of Lisa Feltner’s campaign for District B Town Councilor. Lisa has my vote on November 3rd along with my heartfelt endorsement for her candidacy. I first met Lisa 11 years ago when our kids, now high school sophomores, were in kindergarten at Hosmer School. We were both involved parents in the school, so I soon got to know Lisa well.