Submit Your Questions for the City Manager, Who Will Appear on Local Podcast

Former Town Council President Clyde Younger is the co-host of a podcast called “Eye On Watertown,” which is available on the Watertown Cable website. Upcoming guests for Eye on Watertown include City Manger George Proakis and Assistant City Manager for Community Development and Planning Steve Magoon. Younger’s co-hosts change. Watertown News Editor Charlie Breitrose will sit in on the conversation with Proakis. Viewers and listeners can send in questions and/or suggest guests to by sending a message to EyeonWatertown@Gmail.Com

New Podcast, “Eye on Watertown,” Seeks to Create a Place for Informal Public Engagement

Little Local Conversations Speaks With Life Science Worker & Semi-Pro Hockey Player

Watertown podcaster Matt Hanna has been busy recently. His recent guests include an employee of a non-profit life science firm in town, and a member of Watertown’s own semi-pro hockey team, the Gold Kings. Plus, he started Little Local Weekly, where guests on the podcast can provide updates. Alyssa Cecchitelli, Addgene

Meet Alyssa Cecchetelli! She’s the Associate Director of Plasmid Services at Addgene, a nonprofit life science organization here in Watertown.

Eye On Watertown Podcast Takes a Look at Christmas & Hanukkah

The latest episode of Eye on Watertown, the podcast co-hosted by longtime Watertown resident Clyde Younger, focuses on two religious holidays which happen to overlap this year. See more information in the announcement below. Since Christmas and Hanukkah occurred on the same day this year we had a special Podcast to celebrate each Holidays. Hanukkah and Christmas has only occurred four other times in the last century or so. Since this is such a rare occurrence, we decided to invite a Rabbi and Minister or Priest to discuss their respective religions. We were unaware that both were on the same day; thus we we were late in extending the invitations. We were able to get Rabbi David; however, none from the Christian Faith.

New Podcast, “Eye on Watertown,” Seeks to Create a Place for Informal Public Engagement

Former Town Council President Clyde Younger has teamed up with residents Chris Chapron and Ann Healey to host a new podcast called “Eye On Watertown,” which is available on the Watertown Cable website. In the first episode, the Younger and Chapron interviewed Watertown’s Fred Grandinetti and David Hudon. Grandinetti hosts “Drawing with Fred” on Watertown Cable, and has written books about Popeye the Sailor and other subjects. Hudon illustrated Grandinetti’s books and created the logo for Eye on Watertown. An upcoming episode will feature City Council President Mark Sideris.

Local Podcast Episodes Focus on Director of Armenian Photo Archive, Plus a Real Estate Agent & Business Leader

Arto Vaun

Little Local Conversations Podcast creator Matt Hanna recently profiled the executive director of the Project Save Photograph Archive, as well as a local real estate agent and business leader. In “Little Local Conversations,” discover the people, places, stories, and ideas of Watertown. Hanna has conversations with various businesses owners, community leaders, creatives, and other interesting folks in Watertown to learn about what they do and get to know a bit about the people behind the work. 

Arto Vaun

Meet Arto Vaun! He’s Executive Director of Project Save Photograph Archive and a musician and poet here in Watertown. We talk about his own journey as a self-described late bloomer in owning his artistic identity to now getting public acclaim for his music, how he came to be interested in joining Project Save and his vision for reimagining it for the future to have a broader scope outside of just the Armenian community, and we dive into the backstory of Project Save and its founder and how it’s a truly incredible 50 year old cultural collection that is unique not only in the region, but the country and world.

Hear About a Local Activist & Photographer and Watertown News’ Editor on the Little Local Conversations Podcast

Archy LaSalle

Matt Hanna, the voice behind “Little Local Conversations” podcast, spoke with Archy LaSalle, who has many roles, including in the arts and as an activist. Also, hear Hanna’s conversation with Watertown News Editor Charlie Breitrose. In “Little Local Conversations,” discover the people, places, stories, and ideas of Watertown. Hanna has conversations with various businesses owners, community leaders, creatives, and other interesting folks in Watertown to learn about what they do and get to know a bit about the people behind the work. 

Achy LaSalle

Meet Archy LaSalle! He’s the Vice Chair of the Watertown Public Arts and Culture Committee, a passionate activist, and working photographer.

Watertown Violin Teacher Featured in Little Local Conversations Podcast

Watertown’s Nicole Kootz teaches violin and viola. Watertown’s Nicole Kootz teaches violin and viola and discussed what the Suzuki Method and Alexander Technique are in the “Little Local Conversations” podcast. In “Little Local Conversations,” discover the people, places, stories, and ideas of Watertown. Creator and Watertown resident Matt Hanna has conversations with various businesses owners, community leaders, creatives, and other interesting folks in Watertown to learn about what they do and get to know a bit about the people behind the work. 

Hanna wrote:

“Meet Nicole Kootz! She runs Bright Strings Studio here in Watertown where she teaches violin and viola lessons using the Suzuki Method and Alexander Technique.

Watertown Librarian Talks About the Library’s Little Known Features on Local Conversations Podcast

Watertown Library’s Allie Fry shares some offerings of the library that you may not know about in the fifth episode of the Little Local Conversations podcast

In Little Local Conversations, discover the people, places, stories, and ideas of Watertown. Creator and Watertown resident Matt Hanna has conversations with various businesses owners, community leaders, creatives, and other interesting folks in Watertown to learn about what they do and get to know a bit about the people behind the work. 

Watertown Library’s Programming Librarian Allie Fry. Hanna wrote:

“Meet Allie Fry! She’s the Programming Librarian at the Watertown Free Public Library. We talk about what attracted her to the library here in Watertown (she’s from the Midwest), the lesser known programming for adults that the library offers, and all the other great stuff about the library.”