Minuteman Head Named Semifinalist for Superintendent of the Year

Minuteman High School Supertinendent-Director Edward Bouquillon has been named semifinalist for superintendent of the year. The following announcement was provided by Minuteman High School:

Dr. Edward A. Bouquillon, who has been Superintendent-Director of Minuteman High School since 2007 and recently presided over the most notable and far-reaching achievement of his tenure there – the opening of a new $145 million Minuteman facility that he ceaselessly advocated for and took more than a decade from inception to completion – was recently chosen as a semi-finalist for the 2019 National Superintendent of the Year Award given by the National Association of School Superintendents (NASS). Dr. Bouquillon was nominated by Ford Spalding, the Dover representative to the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District and chair of the Minuteman School Building Committee. The award winner was Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart of Hazelwood School District in Florissant, Missouri. There were three other semi-finalists in addition to Dr. Bouquillon.

Minuteman’s New School Building Opening in Fall

A rendering of what the new Minuteman High School will look like when it opens this fall. The following announcement was provided by Minuteman High School:

When students arrive at Minuteman High School on September 3, it will mark the start of a brand new school year – and the beginning of an exciting, even historic, era for Minuteman itself. On that day, the doors will swing open for the first time at the new Minuteman High School, a $145 million, state-of-the-art facility some 11 years in the making. “It’s all I hoped for and more,” said Minuteman’s Superintendent-Director, Dr. Edward A. Bouquillon, who shepherded the project from conception to completion. “It exceeded my expectations in regard to design, quality and the practical, efficient use of space.

Many Watertown Students Among Minuteman Award, Scholarship Winners

Minuteman High School in Lexington. The following announcement was provided by Minuteman High School:

The following awards and scholarships were presented to members of the Class of 2019 from Minuteman High School in Lexington:

National Honor Society: Noor Alwaz (Watertown), Tazmin Anbar (Watertown), Benjamin Cook (Arlington), Sabrina Correa (Arlington), Arrik Crouse (Acton), Matthew Dunham (Stoneham), Fae Eisenheim (Arlington), Anthony Fiore (Woburn), Seth Flueckiger (Needham), Kimmee Hanson (Lancaster), Adnan Kabir (Arlington), Benjamin Keaton (Concord), Sophia Li (Acton), Judeleen Modestin (Everett), Kaienteres Maracle (Lexington), William McPhee (Winchester), Halle Merkowitz (Peabody), Jennifer Mills (Waltham), Jordan Mills (Waltham), Ethan Moore (Arlington), Lillian Powell (Wayland), Sage Romano (Woburn), Edward Seidman (Watertown), Daniel Spencer (Arlington), Amanda Sullivan (Arlington). Outstanding Vocational Technical Student of the Year: Sophia Li (Acton). Co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators and the Massachusetts Vocational Association

2019 John & Abigail Adams Scholarship Recipients: Jeffrey Benoit (Lancaster), Tyler Benoit (Lancaster), David Castillo-Ordonez (Watertown), Benjamin Cook (Arlington), Henry Dionne (Concord), Laura Espinosa-Jaramillo (Lincoln), Tyler Ferrin (Tewksbury), Noa Geva (Lexington), Isabel Halstead (Lexington), Samuel Harris (Lncaster), Devon Jones (Arlington), Adnan Kabir (Arlington), Levi Kane (Lancaster), Matthew Larzelere (Stoneham), Sophia Li (Acton), Michael Merrick (Lexington), Jennifer Mills (Waltham), Jordan Mills (Waltham), Ethan Moore (Arlington), Stephen Munroe (Watertown), Lillian Powell (Wayland), Daniel Spencer (Arlington), Amanda Sullivan (Arlington), Zachary Umbsen (Watertown), Elizabeth Whitman-Kinghorn (Lexington), Jeremy Whitman-Kinghorn (Lexington)

Senior Class Officers:

President | Amanda Sullivan (Arlington)Vice President | Erica Grandon (Arlington)Secretary | Tyler Benoit (Lancaster)Treasurer | Jordan Mills (Waltham)

President’s Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence: Tazmin Anbar (Watertown), Jeffrey Benoit (Lancaster), Tyler Benoit (Lancaster), Jared Burke (Waltham), Saba Challant (Winchester), Henry Dionne (Concord), Matthew Dunham (Stoneham), Fae Eisenheim (Arlington), Tyler Ferrin (Tewksbury), Noa Geva (Lexington), Kimmee Hanson (Lancaster), Benjamin Keaton (Concord), Sophia Li (Acton), Kaienteres Maracle (Lexington), Halle Merkowitz (Peabody), Michael Merrick (Lexington), Jennifer Mills (Waltham), Jordan Mills (Waltham), Ethan Moore (Arlington), Stephen Munroe (Watertown), Edward Seidman (Watertown), Daniel Spencer (Arlington), Amanda Sullivan (Arlington), Paige Zbyszewski (Arlington)

President’s Education Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement: Luc Barbeau (Medford), Jonathan Benoit (Lancaster), David Castillo-Ordonez (Watertown), Benjamin Cook (Arlington), Jayne Coppola (Lexington), Sabrina Correa (Arlington), Arrik Crouse (Acton), Jenna DeCampo (Arlington), Nicholas Delorey (Concord), Nicholas DeVincent (Sudbury), Jake Dionne (Concord), Laura Espinosa Jaramillo (Linncoln), Lyazzat Feldman (Arlington), Robert Floyd (Lancaster), Sarai Gonzalez (Acton), Erica Grandon (Arlington), Samuel Harris (Lancaster), Adnan Kabir (Arlington), Matthew Larzelere (Stoneham), James Linarte (Watertown), William McPhee (Winchester), Judeleen Modestin (Everett), Andrew Nash (Waltham), Jordyn Nobrega (Burlington), Alexander Northup (Needham), Lillian Powell (Wayland), Sage Romano (Woburn), Ethan Scerra (Concord), Samantha Thebodo (Arlington), Elizabeth Whitman-Kinghorn (Lexington), Jeremy Whitman-Kinghorn (Lexington), Justin Wood (Burlington)


The Community Service and Interact Club would like to recognize the following students for their outstanding work during Minuteman’s Community Service and Learning Trip. Each of these students volunteered over 45 hours the spring of 2019 in Puerto Rico.

Watertown Schools Getting 5% Budget Increase; Most Will Go to Staff, Minuteman

Once again, the Town will include a 5 percent increase in education funding in Watertown’s Fiscal Year 2020 Budget — a $2.4 million increase — but much of that will be required to maintain the current education program and services, along with meeting an increase in the cost of sending students to Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School. Last week, the School Committee heard a budget presentation from Superintendent Dede Galdston, who said that all but about $173,000 of the increase would be used on maintaining the level services budget and paying for the increase in Minuteman tuition. Some staff additions are still planned with the remaining money. New Staff

Among the additions in the Fiscal 2020 budget are two curriculum coaches at Watertown Middle School: one for literacy and the other for math. Similar positions have been successful in other schools, Galdston said.

Girls Invited to STEM Camp During February Break at Minuteman

The following information was provided by Minuteman High School:

Are you a seventh- or eighth-grade girl who likes science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and wants to learn more about those subjects in a supportive, female-oriented environment? Do you enjoy doing projects that are both fun and educational? Are you interested in finding out about exciting career paths in STEM? Then register now for the Girls in STEM camp at Minuteman High School in Lexington that will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. during the week of February 19-22, 2019. Space is limited, so don’t wait!

Watertown Senior Named Student of the Term at Minuteman

Darian Casseus of Watertown, center, was named Student of the Term at Minuteman High School. He is pictured with Principal Jack Dillon, left, and Assistant Principal Brian Tildsley. The following announcement was provided by Minuteman High School:

Minuteman High School has named four outstanding students as Students of the Term for Term 1 of school year 2018-19: freshman Dylan Higgins of Acton, sophomore Angelina Amico of Stow, junior Julia (Jewels) Andersen of Belmont and senior Darian Casseus of Watertown. This honor is awarded to one student from each grade level based upon nominations from teachers and other staff members. The criteria include academic achievement and good citizenship, according to Assistant Principal Brian Tildsley.

Public Gets Preview of New Minuteman High School Building Due to Open in 2019

An illustration of what the new Minuteman High School building will look like when it is completed. The Lexington-based vocational technical school is attended by dozens of Watertown students. The following piece was provided by Minuteman High School:

Members of the public recently toured the new Minuteman High School during an Open House, and by all accounts, they were overwhelmingly impressed with the $145 million, state-of-the-art facility, which is still under construction. It is scheduled to open in the early summer of 2019. “All day long, people described the new building as awesome, gorgeous, and unbelievable,” said Minuteman Assistant Director of Admissions and Outreach Maggie F. Miller.