Life Science
Hundreds of Watertown Students Inspired by Local Innovators
Watertown CoLabNisha Patel of Arranta Bio addressed a class at Watertown High School about a career in science. The following piece was provided by Watertown’s Innovation Career Collaboration:
In this first year of CoLAB, Watertown’s Innovation Career Collaboration, 10 young scientists from five Watertown companies led 49 career exploration sessions at Watertown High School. These real-world discussions kicked off an effort to create a career development community for Watertown students to access the resources they need to build satisfying careers in the innovation economy. Hoping to open the eyes of students to the wealth of careers available to them here in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), a few volunteers from Watertown life science companies and Watertown High School started talking in mid-2021. By June 2022, we had reached virtually every biology, chemistry, and math class at the school – over 750 student-hours.