LETTER: Watertown Election Coming Up — What You Need to Know!

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th. Watertown will have a municipal election with two contested races: City Council President (2 candidates for 1 slot) and School Committee (5 candidates for 3 slots). The other races are uncontested. Per a Massachusetts statute, residents who do not complete a city census are marked as “INACTIVE” on the election roll. This status does not preclude you from voting. You can vote and do not need to show an ID to vote. There are very few circumstances in Massachusetts in which you need to provide ID to vote. If anyone, besides poll workers, mentions the need for voter ID, then walk away. They are uninformed or dishonest.

LETTER: City Needs to be Accountable for Noise Standards and Company Compliance

Dear Newton Neighbors (and especially Cedar),

I want to thank you for reaching out and sharing your neighborhood’s story. I remember seeing you, Cedar, when you addressed our City Council in June. It takes a lot of thought and talent to get your whole point across in just two minutes (the time Watertown residents are allowed to express a concern in that venue), but I remember that you did it admirably, and I’ve often wondered how you and your neighbors fared. Now I know, and your neighborhood’s anger and frustration is shared by many here in Watertown who feel unheard. It is unusual for people to express a concern and propose a possible solution, taking part of the work out of it for our City.

LETTER: Resident Backs School Committee Candidate in November Election

Dear Watertown voters,

I’m writing to urge voters to elect Lisa Capoccia for School Committee. For those of you, like myself, who do not have school age children or grandchildren in Watertown, we know a healthy, thriving community requires a healthy, thriving school community. We appreciate the importance of living in a city where the School Committee has members who walk-the-walk to help create an “exceptional and equitable educational experience” for all students. Lisa commits to this mission in her campaign statement and she has worked on this mission for years.  

I know Lisa through friends and our community work.

LETTER: State Statute Causing Confusion About Voting Status

Last year there was a lot of confusion on Election Day at the polls because of a Massachusetts Statute. In Watertown, many enrolled voters were marked “INACTIVE” including State Rep. Lawn. In Massachusetts, when you do not send back the city/town census, you are marked “INACTIVE” on the election roll.  However, many Watertown voters did send back the city census, but the business vendor sent them to the wrong place. City Hall did not receive them. What does it mean if you are marked “INACTIVE”? It means you are an enrolled voter! It means you can vote!

LETTER: Attend the Community Meeting on Manley Way, Proposed to be One of Many Bio Labs Around Watertown

A rendering of the building at 10-30 Manley Way proposed to be redeveloped into lab/R&D/non-nuisance manufacturing space. (The Seyon Group)

This letter is about 10-30 Manley Way, but humor me, please, while I get there. With at least 25 bio lab buildings and more on the way in a four square mile area, (Alexandria hasn’t even begun the massive transformation of the Watertown Mall yet). 

Here’s a list of just Alexandria’s current holdings in Watertown:  

I hear they have their eyes on more Watertown land. Alexandriatown … how does that sound to you?  

This is a case of being careful about what you wish for.  We have about 70 labs in these buildings so far. There’s plenty of unused lab space without converting one more inch into labs … just my opinion, but it seems to be shared by others. 

To give you an example of the enormity of these projects (besides the in-your-face street presentation of them … hello, Galen Street), there’s a permit meeting for a Coolidge Street lab this month to approve a 7,000 gallon oil tank on the roof of a parking garage that will hold 497 cars.

LETTER: Grassroots Housing Group Hosting Launch Event

It’s becoming harder and harder to remain a member of this community. 

Every year, rising rents force more working families out while middle class and even affluent neighbors can’t afford to purchase a home, nevermind expand their families. Those looking to downsize after retirement, or hoping to age with dignity in the city they love, can’t find homes that work for them. Young people driven away, families in financial distress, longtime residents exiled from their hometown: this is the face of the housing crisis in Watertown. It is a dilemma that threatens our well-being, economic futures, and our community. It is also a challenge that we can rise to overcome, together.

LETTER: Kudos to the City for the Work Around Bemis Park

A stop sign installed next to Bemis Park. (Courtesy of Mark Pickering)

Letter To the Editor,

Baseball season and ongoing road work where I live all reminds me of what a great job that the City of Watertown did around Bemis Park. That included the repaving of streets around there. I know Bemis from attending Little League games there and using the playground with my daughter, now 7 years old. The park is at the busy corner of Waltham and Bridge streets.

LETTER: Watertown Historical Commission’ Streamlined Process Should be More Transparent

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

So … is a Watertown City Council meeting hearing worth attending? I attended one last night on zoom … a shoutout to citizens who sat through it all for hours in real time in the Council Chambers. So, is it a “done deal” by the time it gets to the hearing? Hmmm … It was all about a move by the Historic Commission to streamline its process. Not a bad idea.