High-Tech Lights on Watertown Square Trees Allow for More Colorful Display

The new lights on the trees on the Watertown Square Delta can change colors and display patterns. The lights on the trees in Watertown Square have gone high tech, and will be lit for more than just the holidays. Residents may have noticed the lights around the trees on the Watertown Delta shine not only brighter, but in different colors. This is the result of the new light system installed by the Department of Public Works, said Jesse Myott, the DPW’s Director of Administration and Finance. For years, the lights on the trees in the Watertown Delta were all white.

Find Out What’s Open & Closed on Christmas in Watertown

Most government offices, retail stores and restaurants will be closed on Christmas Day. A few will remain open, at least part of the day. Government

State and Federal offices: Closed

Town Hall: Closed

Library: Closed

Senior Center: Closed

Post Office: Closed

Mass. RMV: Closed


Most will be closed, but can be open at owner’s discretion. Liquor Stores: Closed

CVS will be open on Christmas: Watertown Square location will be open 24 hours, the Watertown Street and Mt.

Watertown Residents Can Enjoy a Discount on Cookies and Baked Goods

Geoff & Drew’s offers cookies and brownies made from all-natural ingredients. Watertown’s Carol Spickler is president and “chief cookie girl.” A cookie business co-owned by a Watertown resident is offering a special discount to town residents looking for a last minute gift or something tasty for a New Year’s celebration. Watertown’s Carol Spickler is the president and “chief cookie girl” of Geoff & Drew’s, which features cookies, brownies and other baked goods made with all-natural ingredients. 

Watertown residents, friends & family enjoy a 20 percent discount off any non-discount items when ordering from Geoff & Drew’s. Enter Promotion Code: NEW20 at checkout at www.gdcookies.com 

Geoff & Drew’s  Gourmet Cookie & Brownies offers a wide selection of gift boxes and baskets overflowing with their award-winning bakery treats, Spickler said. 

The business began in 2001 as Late Night Cookies — a cookie and milk delivery service in Boston.

Watertown Police Increasing Effort to Stop Impaired Drivers Over Holidays

The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Police Department:

The Watertown Police were awarded a grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s (EOPSS) Office of Grants and Research (OGR) to increase the number of impaired driving patrols during the holiday season. Watertown Police will join other departments across the state and the State Police in the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over (DSOGPO) enforcement mobilization. “When an impaired driver is behind the wheel, everyone is at risk – passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and other motorists sharing the road,” said Chief Michael Lawn of the Watertown Police Department. “These funds will increase the number of impaired driving patrols over the holidays. Regardless of the type or level of impairment, if a driver is operating the vehicle in a dangerous manner, they will be stopped.”

“Arranging for a sober ride home before celebrating should be a part of everyone’s plans this holiday season,” said Jeff Larason, Director of the OGR Highway Safety Division.

Visit Watertown Mall’s Winter Wonderland for Songs, Crafts & More

The Watertown Mall, located at 550 Arsenal Street, together with Watertown Families Together invite you to come on Thursday, December 19, 2019 from 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. for “Winter Wonderland,” an event to celebrate the holidays and wintertime. There will be songs, stories and crafts as well as a raffle! This is a free event & all ages are welcome, although the stories are catered to younger children. This will take place in the back hallway of the mall, across from Carter’s. Come prepare and get in the holiday spirit at the Watertown Mall with your little loved ones!

Santa Visits Watertown Square for Tree Lighting Celebration

Santa Claus poses for photos during the Watertown Tree Lighting celebration. Dozens of children and their parents stood on a snow covered Watertown Square Delta Friday evening awaiting the delivery of a special package: Santa Claus. Frosty the Snowman entertained the crowd as they awaited Santa’s arrival. Saint Nick arrived in a Watertown Fire Department SUV for the ninth annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, which was hosted by the Rotary Club of Watertown and Watertown Savings Bank. Santa Claus steps out of a Watertown Fire Department SUV for the Tree Lighting Ceremony.

See Photos from the Commander’s Mansion Christmas Celebration

Santa Claus was busy Thursday night at the Commander’s Mansion Christmas Celebration. The Commander’s Mansion decked the halls for the annual Christmas Celebration on Thursday night. Lights decorated the Commander’s Mansion inside and out. The line to visit Santa Claus stretched out the door, through the upstairs hallway and into two more rooms. Visitors could also spend time with Mrs. Claus. Dancers from Ballroom in Boston performed for the attendees of the Commander’s Mansion.