Donate to the Watertown Police Toy Drive at Locations Around Town

The Whooley Foundation, named after a former Watertown Police officer, is collecting toys and donations for children in the community. The donations go to children and assist more than 100 in the community each year. The Foundation’s motto is “Our Mission is to ensure that no child in our community goes without the joy of opening a present during the holidays.” Unwrapped toys, gift cards and monetary donations for children from infants to teens will be accepted through Dec. 20 at drop off locations around town:

Watertown Police Station – 552 Main Street

All 3 Watertown Fire Stations – 99 Main Street, 564 Mount Auburn Street, 270 Orchard Street

Strip T’s Restaurant – 93 School Street

Porcini’s Restaurant – 68 School Street

Watertown Senior Center – 31 Marshall Street

Donations can also be made online at

Watertown Senior Center Holding Holiday Boutique Next Week

Come down to the Watertown Senior Center to purchase items for the holidays, including handmade knitted items, jewelry, ornaments and holiday décor. Friends of the Watertown Council on Aging Holiday Boutique will be held on Monday, December 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The event will be at the Watertown Senior Center, 31 Marshall St., Watertown

Help Fill an MBTA Bus with Toys, Gifts at Annual Drive at the Watertown Mall

The Watertown Mall and the Mass. Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will host the 17th annual Fill a Bus with Gifts Event, the mall announced. Toys donated by MBTA riders and residents will benefit children at the Action for Boston Community Development, Mass Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Yawkey Boys & Girls Club of Boston and Heading Home. Donations of new, unwrapped gifts for kids and teens will be collected at the Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal Street, Watertown now until Wednesday, December 13 at 9 a.m.

Gifts can be dropped off at the RMV, Watertown Mall Management Office, or Santa’s Village. The wish list includes (but is not limited to) Blocks, Legos • Dolls • Sporting Equipment • Books • Board Games • Xbox or PlayStation Games • Bikes • Scooters • Gift Cards (iTunes, Movie, Restaurant, Clothing) Electronic Music Accessories
(headphones) • Remote Control Cars/Trucks • Hats, Gloves, Scarves • Developmental Toys • Art Supplies • Jewelry Kits.

Perkins School Hosting Two Free Holiday Concerts

Perkins School for the Blind will host a pair of holiday concerts which are free and open to the public. The school sent out the following information:

Please join us for holiday concerts at Perkins School for the Blind on Sunday, December 3, at 3:00 p.m. and Tuesday, December 5, at 7:30 p.m. The concerts are free and wheelchair accessible in Dwight Hall. Please RSVP if you plan to attend on Sunday and/or Tuesday. RSVP here. Enjoy Perkins’ talented student musicians as they perform beautifully arranged choral and instrumental works originating from around the world and enjoy refreshments afterward.

Watertown Church Hosting Holiday Art Show & Sale With Activities and Demos

Looking for unique, one-of- a-kind gift items this holiday season? Saturday,
December 2, 2017, members and friends of the First Parish of Watertown will host their annual Holiday Art Show & Sale, organizers announced. The hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the First Parish church, 35 Church Street in Watertown Square. More than 20 artists and crafters, along with the church’s youth group, will showcase a wide array of fine arts and crafts. Included will be paintings, photography, pottery, candles, jewelry, woven items and more.

Commander’s Mansion Holiday Open House Features Food, Fun and Santa

Watertown’s Commander’s Mansion has big plans for its Holiday celebration. Organizers sent out the following information:

SAVE THE DATE Commander’s Mansion Annual Holiday Open House

Tuesday, December 12th house opens at 4 p.m. for free self tours


First Floor – Eat, Drink & Be Merry demos with Tastings Caterers and Cass the Florist additional details coming soon …

Second Floor – Santa’s Village – FREE geared for kids grade K through 5th

Santa arrives 5:30p.m. He will be escorted to the front of the mansion escorted by the Watertown Police Department bring your camera for your own photo op!  Thank you Watertown Savings Bank

Story Time with Mrs. Claus 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Kids Crafts 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Rudolph’s Café 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. with Hot Cocoa & Cookies

The mansion is located at 440 Talcott Ave. Watertown, MA 02472

Facebook: commandersmansion – 617-926-7755

6th Annual Watertown Tree Lighting Ceremony Coming to Watertown Square

The Watertown-Belmont Chamber of Commerce (WBCC), Rotary Club of Watertown, and the Town of Watertown are pleased to announce that the sixth annual Tree Lighting ceremony will be held on Friday, December 1 in Watertown Square. Organizers sent out the following information:

A reception will follow at the Watertown Savings Bank (WSB) main office in Watertown Square. Santa Claus will arrive to the Square by fire truck at 5:15 p.m.; the tree will be lit at 5:30 p.m.; and the reception to follow immediately after at WSB, where attendees will enjoy refreshments, holiday music, and of course visit with Santa Claus! Parking will be available at WSB after 5 p.m.

“We’re really excited for this year’s tree lighting, and to continue with this wonderful holiday tradition,” said WBCC Community Relations Liaison Paul Airasian. Once again this year, radio station 105.7 WROR will also be outside in the Square with giveaways, games, music and with a special guest of their own beginning at 4:30 p.m. Watertown Rotary will also have refreshments out on the Square.

Watertown Mall and RMV Fill an MBTA Bus with Gifts for Needy Children

The Watertown Mall and the Registry of Motor Vehicles at the mall partnered to Fill an MBTA Bus with gifts. This is the 14th year of the Fill-a-Bus toy drive that helps needy children and teens during the holiday time. The Watertown Mall and the RMV collected more than 100 unwrapped gifts in a little less than a week. All gifts are donated to the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Children and the Commonwealth Tenants Association. Watertown Mall is wheelchair accessible and accessible by MBTA bus routes 70 and 70A.