Donate to the Watertown Police Toy Drive at Locations Around Town
The Whooley Foundation, named after a former Watertown Police officer, is collecting toys and donations for children in the community. The donations go to children and assist more than 100 in the community each year. The Foundation’s motto is “Our Mission is to ensure that no child in our community goes without the joy of opening a present during the holidays.” Unwrapped toys, gift cards and monetary donations for children from infants to teens will be accepted through Dec. 20 at drop off locations around town:
Watertown Police Station – 552 Main Street
All 3 Watertown Fire Stations – 99 Main Street, 564 Mount Auburn Street, 270 Orchard Street
Strip T’s Restaurant – 93 School Street
Porcini’s Restaurant – 68 School Street
Watertown Senior Center – 31 Marshall Street
Donations can also be made online at