City Manager: State of the City is Healthy & Strong, Concerns Remain About Tax Revenues

The State of the City is “healthy and strong,” City Manager George Proakis stated Thursday evening. Watertown sits in a good position financially, Proakis said, the Council has done a good job improving and replacing facilities and parks, the City has been able to fill long-time openings, and there are some major efforts in the works, such as the new high school, the human services study, and Watertown Square. Proakis and City Council President Mark Sideris gave the second annual State of the City address on Thursday evening at the Watertown Library. The State of the City is a requirement added in the recent City Charter changes. While the City’s financial situation looks good, Proakis said there is still much work to be done.

See When the Rescheduled State of the City Will Take Place

The City of Watertown announced the new date and location for the rescheduled State of the City Address by City Council President Mark Sideris and City Manager George Proakis. The State of the City had originally been scheduled to be a live broadcast from the Watertown Cable Access studio on Sept. 4, but was postponed because Proakis tested positive for COVID-19. The City provided the following announcement:

The Watertown State of the City address has been rescheduled for September 19, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. and will be held at the Watertown Free Public Library, at 123 Main St, in the Watertown Savings Bank Room (please note the new location). City Council President Mark Sideris and City Manager George Proakis will deliver the State of the City together, before transitioning to Q+A and answering resident-submitted questions.

City Manager’s Update on Watertown Square Area Plan

City Manager George Proakis provided the following statement he presented at the Watertown Square Area Plan Meeting on June 27. The third meeting on the plan will take place on Tuesday, July 16 at 6 p.m. at Watertown Middle School. This letter reproduces the introductory remarks given by the City Manager to the City Council and Planning Board at the Watertown Square Area Plan Joint Hearing on June 27, 2024, with modifications for publication:

As we embark on what I call the end of the beginning of the work on Watertown Square, I’d like to reflect on the progress we have made and the process we have taken to get to the publication of the Watertown Square Area Plan. Since the beginning of this process, we have spread the word about this plan throughout the city, by sharing announcements with the Watertown News, advertising on-line through our social media channels, sharing information in regular City Council meetings, three different tax bill inserts, and on signage at businesses and in public places throughout the city. We are tremendously proud of our community for joining us to participate in this process, and the ability to build this plan with collaborative involvement.

See the Special Broadcast on Zoning Featuring the City Manager

The City of Watertown provided the following information:

In case you missed it! Watch City Manager George Proakis’s special broadcast on zoning produced by WCA-TV and the City of Watertown! George presented live on WCA-TV about how zoning works, how it can benefit communities, and its limits as well, before answering questions submitted directly by Watertown residents. If you liked this broadcast and would like to see more like it, please let us know via email at so that we can explore new topics and presentations to bring to the Watertown community in the future!

City Manager’s Zoning Presentation TONIGHT! See How to Tune-in and Participate

Ahead of the June 13 Watertown Square Area Plan meeting, City Manager George Proakis will be speaking about what zoning can and cannot do in Massachusetts during a live broadcast with a Q&A time on Monday at 6 p.m.

The City provided the following information about the event:

Watch City Manager George Proakis present about zoning live at 6 p.m. on June 3, 2024, on Watertown Cable Access! City Manager Proakis will present about how zoning works, how it can benefit and shape the community, its limitations, and much more! Following the presentation, he will sit down to answer questions with the WCATV team before answering questions submitted directly by the Watertown residents! You can watch the presentation live online. You can submit any questions you have about zoning.

Find Out What Zoning Can Do, Its Limitations and More During Broadcast Hosted by Watertown’s City Manager

The City of Watertown’s Zoning Map. Watertown’s City Manager worked for two decades in planning departments, and he will share his knowledge in a live presentation on Watertown Cable TV called, “Zoning: An Implementation Tool – Past, Present, and Future.” George Proakis will appear on the live show, and take questions during the event on June 3, beginning at 6 p.m. It can be viewed on Comcast Channel 9, RCN Channel 3, or online at Proakis told Watertown News that the presentation will be based on the class he has taught at Harvard for many years. The City of Watertown provided the following information:

Watch City Manager George Proakis present about zoning live at 6 p.m. on June 3, 2024, on Watertown Cable Access!

What to Expect at Next Watertown Square Meeting, Manager Will Also Discuss Zoning on Prior Day

The redesign of Watertown Square will be discussed on June 12. (Photo by City of Watertown)

(NOTE, May 24, 2024: They day and location of the Watertown Square meeting has changed and has been updated in this article)

The draft of the Watertown Square Area Plan will be discussed at a meeting on June 12, but prior to that City Manager George Proakis will delve into the topic of zoning during a live and interactive show on Watertown Cable. Watertown Square Meeting

The meeting focused on Watertown Square will take place on Thursday, June 13 beginning at 6 p.m. It will take place at the Watertown Middle School Auditorium. Present at the meeting will be both the City Council and the Planning Board, said City Council President Mark Sideris. He said it may be the first of multiple meetings on the Watertown Square Area Plan, which includes not only the redesign of the main intersection, but also where the City will allow housing to be built by right to meet the requirements of the MTBA Communities Law, as well as form-based zoning which will determine how future developments will look.

City Manager Speaks About Climate Efforts During Governor’s Visit

Photo by City of WatertownGov. Maura Healy spoke about the State’s ClimateTech Initiative at Via Separations, a clean tech startup in Watertown. The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:

Governor Maura Healey spoke in Watertown at the 64 Pleasant Street lab building on Thursday, May 2, 2024, to announce a 10-year, $1.3 billion investment proposal as part of the Mass Leads Act ClimateTech Initiative. The proposal is expected to generate $16.4 billion in economic activity in the Commonwealth and further Massachusetts’ position as a global leader in climate tech. City Manager George Proakis introduced the Governor, and he spoke about Watertown’s work in leading the way in climate mitigation and resilience in Massachusetts. The City Manager highlighted Watertown’s role in fostering climate innovation, speaking on the City’s aggressive Climate Action Plan and the early adoption of the Specialized Stretch Energy Code. 

The City Manager also spoke of the success of the life science industry and its fiscal impact on Watertown.