Watertown Field Hockey Player Kourtney Kennedy Profiled in Herald

One of Watertown’s star field hockey players, Kourtney Kennedy, caught the eye of the Boston Herald. 

Kennedy, a senior who has committed to play at UConn next year, talks about her experience playing at a USA Field Hockey camp, being on a record setting team and playing with not just one, but two sisters on this year’s Raiders team. See the entire article by clicking here: http://www.bostonherald.com/sports/high_school/2016/09/kourtney_kennedy_headlines_the_success_of_watertown_field_hockey  

See the Top Stories of 2015 from Watertown News

Big issues seemed to be everywhere you looked around Watertown in 2015, with new developments, the firefighter contract, the opioid epidemic and the Town Election, plus Watertown athletes enjoyed great success. Development
Rising above all the major issues this year was development. A number of major projects were proposed in town, many of which were approved. In January, the controversial East Watertown CVS got approved. In June, the major apartment complex on Arsenal Street, Elan Watertown, received approval – a project that went through the town’s new Design Standards and Guidelines.