LETTER: Resident Backs School Committee Candidate in November Election

Dear Watertown voters,

I’m writing to urge voters to elect Lisa Capoccia for School Committee. For those of you, like myself, who do not have school age children or grandchildren in Watertown, we know a healthy, thriving community requires a healthy, thriving school community. We appreciate the importance of living in a city where the School Committee has members who walk-the-walk to help create an “exceptional and equitable educational experience” for all students. Lisa commits to this mission in her campaign statement and she has worked on this mission for years.  

I know Lisa through friends and our community work.

LETTER: Watertown Parent Endorses School Committee Candidate

Rachel Kay is a tireless advocate for Watertown students and parents. On her website, she has a small section on what she likes to do in her free time, but I doubt she actually has any free time! You know her name because she is involved in so many things. Whether it be formally in her role as an officer of the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) or with the Commission on Disability, or informally when she attends various school forums or events or just watching her son’s baseball games. You may also see her actively involved in many Facebook group pages.

Council President Candidate Forum a Week Away, Submit Your Questions

Join WCN, Watertown Cable Access Corp and the Watertown News for an election forum featuring the two candidates running for City Council President in Watertown’s local election. Incumbent Mark Sideris is being challenged by former Town Council President Clyde Younger. The two will answer questions during a forum at the Watertown Free Public Library’s Watertown Savings Bank Room on Wednesday, October 11th at 6 p.m. The library is located at 123 Main St. Residents are invited to submit questions to the candidates by emailing watertownmanews@gmail.com. The forum will also be broadcast live on WCA-TV’s Public Channel.

LETTER: Fair Share Amendment Committee Members Back School Committee Candidate

As members of Watertown for the Fair Share Amendment Committee, we very happy to write in support of Rachel Kay for School Committee. 

For over a year and half, a small group of us worked to successfully promote the passage of the Fair Share Amendment. Rachel understood early the value of the FSA to local schools and jumped in with enthusiasm. Voters of Massachusetts voted in favor of it in November 2022. The 4 percent tax on incomes over one million is projected to bring in over $2 billion every year. This revenue will support improvements to schools, higher education, early education, vocational training and adult education, plus transit. The Watertown for the Fair Share Amendment Committee organized forums, canvases, information campaigns, and did outreach to residents and community groups. We also asked the city council to join other Massachusetts councils in endorsing the Fair Share Amendment, which it did. All of these efforts led to the additional funding for our schools and learners.  

Rachel contributed more than hard work and steady diligence to this project. She stepped up when needed; taking initiative, facilitating communication, informing decision-making. Rachel is well organized, a fast learner, a good communicator and a strong collaborator.

Pair of Candidate Forums to be Hosted by Watertown News, WCA-TV

Come hear from the candidates in contested races in the 2023 Watertown Election during a pair of candidates forums.

Watertown Cable Access Television and Watertown News will team up to host a pair of in-person forums. The public is invited to attend, and the forums will be broadcast on Watertown Cable. The forum for the Council President candidates on Wednesday, Oct. 11 at 6 p.m. in the Watertown Free Public Library’s Watertown Savings Bank Room. Incumbent Mark Sideris is being challenged by former Council President Clyde Younger. The library is located at 123 Main St.

LETTER: Resident Supports Rachel Kay for School Committee

I’ve been a Watertown resident since 2019 with my husband. As a queer Asian immigrant, I enjoy the diverse culture of Watertown communities, but also feel the city still has a lot of work to do to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for newcomers like me. I believe that starts at school, with the next generations. I met Rachel, in person, a year ago through World In Watertown , a long standing non-profit civic organization that protects and promotes non-discriminatory practices in this city. The board was looking for a clerk and I received many recommendations for Rachel because of her work in Watertown SEPAC (Special Education Parents Advisory Council), and the Commission on Disability.

LETTER: School Committee Member Seeks Re-Election

School Committee member Kendra Foley seeks re-election. My name is Kendra Foley. I have served on the Watertown School Committee for eight years, the last two as Chair. I am running for re-election on November 7th and I am asking for one of your three votes for School Committee. I’m running for re-election because I love this community and I believe in the power, value and promise of public education.

Early Voting in 2023 Election Approved by City Council; Fewer Days Than Prior Years

Watertown voters will have the opportunity to cast ballots in person before election day in the 2023 Watertown City Election, but there will be fewer early voting days than previous elections. Under the state’s VOTES Act cities and towns have the opportunity to offer early voting, but must opt in. For Watertown that means a vote of the City Council, said City Clerk Janet Murphy. Voters will also be able to vote by mail, and at voting locations on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023.