Town Council Candidate Q&A: Caroline Bays

Watertown News reached out to candidates running for Councilor At-Large in the Watertown Election on Nov. 7, 2017 and asked them the same six questions. Here are the responses for Caroline Bays:
1) Tell us about yourself, and why you are running for Councilor At-Large. I moved to Watertown almost 20 years ago with my husband and two small children. We fell in love with this town.

Town Council Candidate Q&A: Anthony Donato

Watertown News reached out to candidates running for Councilor At-Large in the Watertown Election on Nov. 7, 2017 and asked them the same six questions. Here are the responses for Anthony Donato:

1) Tell us about yourself, and why you are running for Councilor At-Large. I am running for Councilor-at- Large because I love Watertown. I am a lifelong resident of Watertown.

Town Council Candidate Q&A: Tony Palomba

Watertown News reached out to candidates running for Councilor At-Large in the Watertown Election on Nov. 7, 2017 and asked them the same six questions. Here are the responses for Tony Palomba:

1) Tell us about yourself, and why you are running for Councilor At-Large. I have lived in Watertown for nearly 25 years with my partner Ann. We raised two children, Nathaniel and Joanna, who attended Watertown public schools.

Town Council Candidate Q&A: Michael Dattoli

Watertown News reached out to candidates running for Councilor At-Large in the Watertown Election on Nov. 7, 2017 and asked them the same six questions. Here are the responses for Michael Dattoli:

1) Tell us about yourself, and why you are running for Councilor At-Large. I am currently completing my first term a Town Councilor and am seeking re-election. I originally ran for office after having worked for Watertown Public Schools and observing the many challenges our buildings were faced with in terms of overcrowding and space capacity issues.

LETTER: Support Councilors for Fixing Pot Holes, Not Focused on Political Movements

Vote Councilors that will worry about fixing potholes! Well it’s 2017 and sadly most voters believe this is a year when you aren’t required to fulfill your civic responsibility to vote. It’s an off year – right? Save for a small handful of special elections to fill vacancies in the Legislature, no one is running for anything until next year. 

Wrong! Nothing could be further from the truth.

Watch the Town Council, School Committee Candidate Forums On-Line

If you missed the Candidate Forums featuring the people running for office in the 2017 Watertown Election, you can watch them online. 

Watertown Cable Access has the Town Council and School Committee forums available to watch on-demand on its website. Follow these links to watch the forums that were co-sponsored by Watertown News and Watertown Cable Access. Town Council Forum:

School Committee Forum: