Find Out About the Candidates for Town Council President

Two candidates seek to become Watertown’s Town Council President – a position which heads the Town Council, and also sits on the School Committee. Current Town Council President Mark Sideris seeks his fourth term, and he is challenged by former Town Council President Clyde Younger. The election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Watertown News asked both candidates a set of questions.

Town Council President Candidate Q&A: Mark Sideris

Town Council President Mark Sideris is running for re-election in the Nov. 3 Election. Watertown News sent the candidates a set of questions to those running for Council President:

1) As Town Council President, how will you balance the needs and wants of the Town Administration with those of Watertown residents? The needs in wants of the residents is always first and foremost in my mind. Those tax dollars are providing the services we provide.

LETTER: Candidate for Library Trustee Asks for Your Vote


I am Penny (Penelope) Peoples: Watertown resident, book lover, and would-be library trustee. Since moving to Watertown in 2001, I have been a constant user and admirer of the Watertown Free Public Library (WFPL), often thinking that it is like the beating heart of our community. It fosters such important values as lifelong learning, creativity, imagination, community building and participation, inclusivity and diversity — to name but a few. Grateful as I am to all those past and present who have created and maintained this model of library excellence, I am eager for a chance to myself contribute to our community in the arena for which I am best suited, namely as one of the six trustees who develop policy for the WFPL and oversee its leadership. Joining with trustee colleagues, library administration and staff, I want to assure that the library maintains its current excellence in a host of areas and improves its operations and programming to meet evolving challenges.

Town Council President Candidates Speak at Candidate Forum

Watertown’s current Town Council President and immediate-past Council President shared their views on communications, providing services and preserving the character of Watertown during the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on Sunday. Mark Sideris has been Council president for the past six years, and succeeded Clyde Younger, who is running this year. This issue of communications with residents and others has been a frequent topic of discussion at candidate forums.

Sideris said right now the town relies heavily on the Town of Watertown website, but he wants that to change. “I would like try communicating on social media and other areas so we will be more engaged with the public,” Sideris said. “There are difficulties in doing that with the Open Meetings law, but I am working on that.”

LETTER: Library Trustee Candidate Seeks Re-election

Town of Watertown residents, my name is Tim Tracy and I have been a Library Trustee for the past two terms. I am running for re-election, and would like for you to consider casting your vote for me once again. During my tenure as a Watertown Free Public Library (WFPL) Trustee, I have seen such positive continued growth and accomplishments in our facility. The Library continues to be overwhelmingly well received by residents, taxpayers and neighbors from surrounding communities. I have prided myself in being a trustee who doesn’t micro manage, and have always been of the opinion of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The Watertown Free Public Library is far from being broke. On the contrary, it s a highly motivated, efficiently run, and well respected organization, and as a Trustee I am proud to be associated with such a town asset.