LETTER: Resident Asks for Moratorium on New Big Projects on Arsenal Street

Dear Director of Planning, Town Council members, Chairman of the Planning Commission and Zoning Officer,

I would like to urge you as a group to give serious consideration to imposing a temporary moratorium on large new projects on the Arsenal corridor while a master plan is developed and zoning is re-written, in order that all development be thoughtfully evaluated in this critical area. The town needs to gain input from stakeholders and to proceed carefully; these decisions will affect residents for many years to come, including my children  and their children. I have lived in Watertown since 1975 and love this community. I want to see it continue to be a place that balances development with the needs of it residents so that it can continue to maintain its strong community orientation. The Community Development and Planning Department has worked hard to develop a Comprehensive Plan; it should be utilized.

Town Seeks Comments on Draft of Watertown Comprehensive Plan

A draft of the master planning document that will influence the way Watertown will be built up (or not) has been created and town officials seek input from residents. The document is a long one, with 220 pages and hundreds of recommendations. The plan has sections on land use, transportation/circulation/parking, housing, economic development, open space/recreation, natural resources, historical/cultural resources, public services/facilities, energy and implementation of the plan. Work started more than a year ago on the document, and the consultants – Vanasse Hangen Brustlin – held public forums to get input on what kind of Watertown people want to see in the future. The Town Council’s Economic Development and Planning Subcommittee recently discussed how to get input and a schedule for approving the plan.

Council Shooting to Approve Comprehensive Plan by Fall

The Comprehensive Plan – the major planning document that will shape Watertown’s future – will likely be approved this fall. 

The Town C0uncil’s Economic Development and Planning Committee discussed how they want to unveil the latest draft and collect input from town officials, town residents and others this week. The whole process will likely stretch into the fall. The Comprehensive Plan not only covers zoning rules and development, it also has recommendations for public transportation, bicycle and pedestrian issues, parks, and open space. Councilor Susan Falkoff did not like the idea of having the draft go to town department heads before the general public got to see it. The subcommittee agreed that the document should be published online so all can take a look.