LETTER: Council Should Not Appoint Community Preservation Committee


In a recent letter, Patrick Fairbairn suggests an ordinance be created wherein the Town Council would interview, vet, and directly appoint the citizens who will make up the Community Preservation Act Committee while omitting some very important details and facts. To set the record straight, here are the facts and here are the issues. The draft ordinance Mr. Fairbairn referenced was created with the input and recommendations from Invest in Watertown. This group consists of the staunchest supporters and most active advocates for the CPA’S passage. This begs the question: Does prevailing on passage of the CPA Tax automatically make one an expert on the who, what, when, where, why and how our CPA money should be spent?

LETTER: Council Should Consider CPA Committee Proposal from Citizens Group

To the Editor:

With reference to the article in Watertown News dated 22 March 2017 entitled “Subcommittee debating who should be on the CPA Committee”, I recommend that all concerned attend the next meeting of the Rules and Ordinances Committee for a more thoroughgoing discussion. At the above mentioned debate only the draft text presented by the committee chairman was distributed for public review. Another draft ordinance exists (see below), prepared by core members of the group who successfully promoted adoption of the Community Preservation Act in Watertown. Its text draws on concepts and practices that have proven effective in neighbor towns, with confirmation of best practices from the statewide Community Preservation Coalition. With the benefit of more information and further discussion preparatory to the Committee’s next meeting, all those attending the session can expect to be constructive participants.

Election 2016: Issues with Early Voting, How Question 5 Appeared on Ballot

The Nov. 8 election drew a huge number of Watertown voters, but there were issues with the presidential election that also featured the Community Preservation Act ballot question. Early voting proved popular with residents, and about 7,000 voters casted their ballots before election day. After filling out their voters would fold their ballots and put them in an envelope and handed it back to the staff at the Town Clerk’s office. The envelopes went to the precinct where the voter lives, and were put through the machine.

LETTER: Rough and Tumble Campaign Over, Now it’s Time to Work Together

To the editor,

As one of the most vocal opponents of the CPA during the campaign, I’d like to congratulate the proponents on their victory.  

There is no doubt that this campaign was heated.  Often times, hyperbole came from both sides. That’s what happens in a campaign. For those of us who have been involved in politics for years, it’s not surprise, nor do we find anything out of the ordinary. Politics is a blood sport during a campaign.

Supporters of CPA Win the Second Time Around, See How Your Precinct Voted

The second time was the charm for proponents of the Community Preservation Act in Watertown, which won with nearly 60 percent of the vote on Tuesday. 

The ballot question will create a fund for projects in three areas: affordable housing, open space and historic preservation. Jennifer Van Campen, one of the leaders of Invest in Watertown, the group that put the CPA on the ballot, said she was confident going into election. “I actually welt that we were going to win all along,” Van Campen said. The confidence came despite the fact Watertown voters rejected the CPA in 2005. Also, there was also an active “No” campaign from the Concerned Watertown Homeowners, who funding mechanism because it would hurt families and residents struggling to afford living in town.