Town Seeking 2 Residents to Be Part of School Building Committee

Tuesday night, Town Manager Michael Driscoll announced the members of the School Building Committee, which will include school and town officials, as well as two members of the public. 

The Building Committee will represent the town/school in the projects to renovate or rebuild the three elementary schools and Watertown High School. The town will fund the three elementary school projects, while the it will work with the state to fund the high school renovation/reconstruction. The members of the School Building Committee will be:

Two Town Councilors
Two School Committee members
Town Manager Michael Driscoll or his representative
Superintendent of Schools Deanne Galdston
Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Mary DeLai
Town Auditor Tom Tracy
Director of Public Buildings Lori Kabel
School Principals as ex officio members, and
Two members of the public with architectural or engineering experience

Selecting the Two Members of the Public
The Town Manager sent out the following announcement:

Town Manager Michael Driscoll is seeking two Watertown citizens interested in serving on the School Building Committee. The committee is being formed to oversee the renovation and expansion of Watertown School buildings related to the Building for the Future initiative. Building for the Future is a comprehensive, forward-looking initiative to address learning, operational, and capacity improvements for all school facilities.

Schools Seek Input on Decisions on High School Site, PreK/Preschool Programs

As the Watertown Public Schools move full speed ahead on rebuilding or renovating the town’s schools, school officials must soon make some decisions which would impact the designs of both the elementary schools and Watertown High School. There are three key questions that must be answered in the next month, or so, in order for schematic designs of the school projects to continue, School Committee Chairman John Portz said at Monday’s School Committee meeting. A meeting has been scheduled for Monday, Jan. 29, 2018 at 7 p.m. at a site to be determined. The first question, Portz said, is whether the Lowell Elementary School site off Orchard Street should be considered as possible site for a new Watertown High School building.

Architects Present First Visions for What Watertown’s Elementary Schools Could Look Like

It will be a busy several years, but by 2023 Watertown will have built or newly renovated three elementary schools and the high school. Monday night the architect hired to do the schematic designs laid out the timeline to get there. The elementary schools and the high school are on different schedules, with the Hosmer, the Cunniff and the Lowell planned to be worked on simultaneously, and after those projects are complete it will be about time for construction to begin on Watertown High School, said Scott Dunlap, principal of Ai3, the district’s architects. Watertown school officials got a lot of good news last week. “Last week the most exciting time for a Superintendent occurred over a 24 hour period,” said Superintendent Dede Galdston.

Timeline Set Out for Hiring Designer for Reconstruction of Watertown’s Elementary Schools

The School Committee set up a timeline for the planning for the reconstruction of Watertown’s three elementary schools. The Watertown Public Schools have taken the first small steps toward renovating all five schools, an effort known as Building for the Future. The Building for the Future team, a group of 10 school and town officials, laid the next steps in a time table that would have a designer in place by the beginning of December. In August, the School Committee and Town Council decided to start with the elementary schools, continue to seek state funding to help pay for renovation of Watertown High School and work on Watertown Middle School a few years down the line. The schools will likely be renovated rather than being replaced with new buildings, but there will probably be some new additions at some schools.