Residents Wanted to Serve on Board of Assessors, Council on Aging & Solid Waste and Recycling Committee

The City of Watertown seeks applicants interested in serving on the Board of Assessors, Council on Aging, and Solid Waste & Recycling Committee. See details in the following announcement provided by the City. City Manager George J. Proakis is seeking residents to serve on the Board of Assessors, Council on Aging, and Solid Waste & Recycling Committee. Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application. The Board of Assessors is responsible for the fair and equitable valuation of all real and personal property.

Public Review Period for Board of Assessors Conducting Property Revaluation is Dec. 2-6

The following announcement was sent out by the City of Watertown Board of Assessors and first published on Nov. 26:

Following state statutes and Department of Revenue (DOR) regulations, the Board of Assessors is completing the FY2025 Quinquennial Revaluation of all real and personal property in Watertown. Revaluation is a year-long process when the DOR examines in detail all assessing methodologies used by the city, as well as the values derived through the mass appraisal system. These valuations are pending preliminarily approval by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. The values are subject to change within this disclosure period.