Mosesian Arts Earfull Series Combines Writers of Literature, Song Writers

The Mosesian Center for the Arts announced the Earfull Fall 2017 Series – three evening events of literature and music with “Writers Reading and Songwriters Singing.”

The Mosesian Center sent out the following information:

Earfull events will take place September 19, October 17, and November 14 in our Black Box Theater, 321 Arsenal Street in Watertown, and feature world renowned authors and musicians reading and performing some of their latest works. September 19th 

Authors: Michael Patrick MacDonald – All Souls: A Family Story from Southie, Easter Rising: An Irish American Coming Up from Under 

Ben Mezrich – Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took Vegas for Millions, The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, a Take of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal, Once Upon A Time in Russia

Musicians: Weakened Friends – Listen and Muck and the Mires – Listen

October 17th

Authors: Shari Goldhagen – In Some Other World, Maybe, Family and other accidents, 100 Days of Cake

Julia Glass – Three Junes, And the Dark Sacred Night, The Widower’s Tale, A House Among the Trees

Musicians: Kim Taylor – Listen and Julie Rhodes – Listen

November 14th

Authors: Marianne Leone – Knowing Jesse: A Mother’s Story of Grief, Grace, and Everyday Bliss, Ma Speaks Up: And a First Generation Daughter Talks Back

Claire Messud – The Woman Upstairs, The Emperor’s Children, The Last Life: A Novel

Musicians: Merrie Amsterburg – Listen and Abbie Barrett Band – Listen

The brainchild of Boston Musician and Author Jen Trynin and bookstore connoisseur Tim Huggins, Earfull first launched in the Fall of 2001 with the concept that, given a conducive environment, book people will appreciate being exposed to live music, and rock people will realize how cool it is to hear great authors reading their work aloud! EARFULL aimed to provide that environment, combining prominent author readings with established singer-songwriters in the hopes of broadening the appreciation of and audiences for both. After a brief hiatus from multiple sold-out seasons of the series, the Mosesian Center for the Arts brought the beloved programming back for a second season to a whole new audience. Mosesian Center Members have access to a limited number of pre-sale tickets Friday, August 18 at 12pm, and tickets to the General Public will go on sale Monday, August 21, at 12pm.

Photography Exhibit at Plumbing Museum Features Work of 2 Artists

The Plumbing Museum announced its latest exhibition, Light Traces, a two-person alternative photography exhibition featuring Jenn Wood and Ian MacLellan, opening on June 22, 2017. The show will display new works created during the artists’ studio residencies at the Manoog Family Artist-in-Residency program launched last year in partnership with J.C. Cannistraro. The show runs from June 22 through August 7, 2017. Inspired by the Plumbing Museum’s collection as well as J.C. Cannistraro fabrication shops and construction sites, the exhibition will showcase pinhole and cyanotype prints as well as digital collage. “The new collection reflects creative possibilities of alternative photography.

Author Atul Gawande to be Honored by Mosesian Center for the Arts

The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts is thrilled to announce that for his outstanding contributions to the Medical and Literary fields, Dr. Atul Gawande has been selected as the recipient of the 2017 Charles Mosesian Award for the Arts to be presented at the Mosesian Gala 2017 on Tuesday, June 27. The Mosesian Center for the Arts community wishes to recognize Dr. Gawande for his remarkable, breakthrough writing that has changed the way many of us look at our lives and the end of our lives – his latest book Being Mortal is a New York Times Bestseller. Aside from being a remarkable human being, world renowned surgeon, and music lover, Atul is a supporter of the arts and literary contributor to numerous publications. The evening’s celebration will include a private VIP per-reception on the Branch Line Patio, an interview style discussion with Atul and athenaHealth CEO Jonathan Bush, fine food and drinks from some of our favorite local establishments, and music by Awaaz Do featuring Saraswathi Jones. It promises to be a wonderful evening of inspiring ideas and great music celebrating Atul Gawande and the arts.

Four Artists Featured in Latest Show at Watertown’s Room 83 Spring

Room 83 Spring’s latest show, Referent, features the artwork of John Franklin, Matthew King, Andrew Mowbray, and Kate Russo. What agency does geometric abstraction have in the 21st century? Defying easy artistic categorization, John Franklin, Matthew King, Andrew Mowbray, and Kate Russo employ the modernist idiom in a retooled mind-tangle of pop culture and social relevance. Relational and humanist, the hard edge is rendered expressive, softened by the human hand and choice of materials. Flatness becomes dimensionally resonant, confounded by stitching, cutting, and ritualized practice.

Revels Teams with Perkins School for Free Celebration of Spring Concert

Revels will once again perform with Perkins School for the Blind for the Celebration of Spring Concert. The concert will be held Thursday, May 25, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. at Perkins School for the Blind’s Dwight Hall – 175 North Beacon St., Watertown. Admission is FREE. Revels sent out the following announcement:

Join us as Revels partners with Perkins School for an inspiring, music-filled Celebration of Spring. Enjoy traditional English songs, songs from the Islands, and from Early America performed by the talented Perkins School Secondary Program Chorus (Arnie Harris, director), aRevels chorus of adults and children, musician/song leader David Coffin, a youngrapper sword dance team, plus a great band of Revels musicians.  Last but not least, expect a wild visit from the ancient and venerable Padstow ‘Obby ‘Oss, all the way from Cornwall, England!