Mosesian Center for the Arts Announces New Executive Director

Darren Farrington was hired in August 2020 as Executive Director of Mosesian Center for the Arts. The following announcement was provided by the Mosesian Center for the Arts:

The Board of Directors of the Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts (MCA) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Darren Farrington as Executive Director effective August 17, 2020. Darren is a highly experienced and passionate arts administrator, educator, theatre maker, and arts advocate. During these challenging times, Darren’s grounded, creative, and thoughtful leadership brings an unwavering confidence that MCA will continue to deliver on its mission to enrich the lives of diverse audiences and participants by providing exceptional experiences in theatre, visual, and literary arts. For the past ten years, Darren has been the Executive Director of No Boundaries Youth Theater in New Britain, Conn., which he co-founded in 2010 for underserved children and teens. Darren has also worked for the past three years as Administrator for the Connecticut Arts Alliance, a statewide nonprofit advocacy organization for arts and culture.

Arsenal Yards Bringing Art & Music to Outdoor Rivergreen

Arsenal Yards will host performances and art on the Rivergreen as part of Petals to the Metal. The following announcement was provided by Arsenal Yards:

Summer is officially in bloom at Watertown’s Arsenal Yards! Shops and restaurants have been opening up – including recent additions like Ben & Jerry’s and City Works Eatery & Pour House – and Arsenal Yards’ outdoor Rivergreen space is well underway as construction continues. To celebrate all of these happenings, Arsenal Yards has injected some extra color onto the concrete amidst the construction with the launch of a new “Petals to the Metal” public art and music installation. With this new installation, complete with beautiful floral takeovers and live piano performances, Arsenal Yards invites shoppers, diners and visitors to stop by and enjoy the ambiance while shopping, grabbing an ice cream, or enjoying dinner and a drink.

NewRep Pushing Back Performances, Coming Up With COVID-19 Friendly Productions

Watertown-based New Repertory Theatre announced this week that it will have to push back the performances of two plays, due to the COVID-19 restrictions. However, Artistic Director Michael Bobbitt and his staff are busy coming up with new options for fans of live theater and performances during the pandemic. NewRep tried rescheduling two plays from the spring to the fall, but looking at the COVID-19 restrictions the decision was made to postpone them once again. The company also announced the cancellation of its annual gala, which they had hoped to move from April to October. “It’s the nature of the beast at the moment.

Banners in Watertown Square Feature Student Artwork, Tell Tales of Migration

One of the banners now hanging in Watertown Square. This one features the artwork of Hosmer School students and show their families’ migration story. The following information was provided by the creators of the Watertown Square Banners Project:

The next time you travel through Watertown Square take a few minutesto admire the colorful new banners hanging on poles throughout the square. They were the brainstorm of local graphic designer Carole Katz and feature works developed by students from the Hosmer School and the Watertown Middle School. Driving through the square one day Katz decided the square needed some colorful banners to replace the current historical banners (that she designed) that have been hanging for several years now.

Mosesian Center for the Arts Cancels Summer Programs

The following announcement was provided by the Mosesian Center for the Arts:

Dearest MCA Community,

We hope you and your families are safe and well. Our staff has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 updates from Governor Baker and the CDC, and the safety of our community has continued to be our utmost priority. After reviewing the most recent state plans for reopening, we have determined that it would be difficult to implement the early phases of distancing protocols for our Summer Youth Arts Education Programs as scheduled. To ensure the safety of our participants, families, teachers, and staff we have sadly made the decision to cancel all Summer Stages and Studios programming for 2020. Summer Stages and Studios is such an exciting highlight of our year, this was not an easy decision for us to make.

Watertown Schools’ Art Show Goes Online, See Visual Art from All Grades

A piece made by a Watertown High School Student in the Studio Art class. For many years, the Watertown Public Schools Art Show has been displayed at the Watertown Mall, but the Coronavirus has forced the district to find a new venue — a virtual venue. The Connecting Through Creativity – WPS Virtual Art Show 2020 can now be seen online, and features works from every grade at every school in the district. The Watertown’s Coordinator of Fine, Applied, and Performing Arts Magen Slesinger provided the following information:

The Watertown Public Schools Visual Art Department is proud to present our first ever Virtual Art Show! When looking at visual art, we are often looking at the beautiful end product.

Mosesian Center Offering Online Art & Drama Classes, Activities During COVID-19

Watertown’s Mosesian Center for the Arts may be closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but there are still plenty of arts classes and activities to enjoy, some are even free! The Mosesian Center put out the following information:

We hope this message finds you well, in both good spirits and health! All of us here at the MCA miss seeing your faces in and around the building and hope to reunite again soon – when we can safely do so. In the meantime, we are doing our best to make lemonade out of lemons, so here’s a quick update of all the exciting ways we can stay connected… Mosesian Arts Live in Your Living Room

The MCA has been fortunate enough to invite many incredibly talented artists and performers into our house for a wide range of engaging events and performances.

See How to Help New Rep Weather Financial Difficulties Caused by COVID-19

New Repertory Theatre sent out the following information:

Like other arts organizations, New Rep is facing financial challenges due to the necessary and important steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The difficult decision we made to postpone and cancel our spring performances and events (including our annual gala) puts us at risk of losing 20 percent of our annual revenue. How Can I Help? Purchase a 20/21 Subscription! The best option of all – your purchase today provides revenue that will help to relieve our cash flow challenges, and you guarantee your seats for a phenomenal upcoming season. It’s a win-win!