Watertown Cultural Council Seeks Community Input Through Online Survey

The Watertown Cultural Council seeks input from the community through an online survey, which is open through the end of September. The eight item survey includes questions about what types of arts and cultural activities people are interested in and how many cultural events they attended pre-pandemic, among others. The WCC provided the following introduction to the survey:

The Watertown Cultural Council is a local agency underwritten by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. WCC supports Arts, Humanities and Interpretive Sciences projects for the enrichment of the entire Watertown community. Your participation in this survey will help the WCC fulfill its mission of funding arts and culture experiences for all the people in Watertown.

Watertown Cultural Council Seeks Grant Proposals for 2021-22, Application Accepted Starting in September

The Watertown Cultural Council (WCC) seeks new grant proposals from organization, schools, and individuals who wish to provide arts, humanities and interpretive science programs for the Watertown community in 2021-22. Proposals for community-oriented arts, humanities, and interpretive science projects are due on the Mass Council website by October 15, 2021 at 11:59 EST. Application forms and more information are available online beginning September 1 at www.massculturalcouncil.org. For additional WCC guidelines, priorities and complete information on past Watertown Cultural Council grantees, contact the WCC or go to Grants application at watertownculturalcouncil.org. The WCC supports both in-person and virtual programming in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences for the Watertown community — including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artist residencies, or performances in schools, workshops, and lectures.

Lit Squad Invites Writers, Poets to Join Them at Watertown Arts Market

The following announcement was provided by the Lit Squad:

Please join the Lit Squad as part of the Watertown Arts Market on August 21, 12:00-5:00 PM, at Arsenal Park. We are a newly gathered group of published and amateur writers, young and forever-young, who want to encourage and foster poetry and all literary arts here in this diverse community. Join us to market your work, perform your work, enjoy the work of others … and meet other writers during the course of the day. We will have a commission-free sales table for your books and related wares. We will have featured 10-minute readings by established Watertown poets, followed by 3-5-minute open-mike readings by all comers, with a PA system and chairs, at 1:00 and 3:00 PM.

Watertown Art Show Raising Money for Children’s Cancer Research, Veterans with PTSD

A new gallery in a Watertown apartment complex will feature art from nearly a dozen artists, and proceeds from the show will benefit children’s cancer research and veterans with PTSD. Art Saint Hope is the brainchild of Shamere Ross, the lead technician at Elan Union Market apartments, who wanted to give artists an opportunity to showcase their work and raise money for charity. Money raised will go to St. Jude’s Hospital, which does children’s cancer research, and Camp Hope for soldiers returning from war who are going through PTSD. “It is special because it not only raises money for these two great initiatives, but it also helps struggling artist who are not able to show and sell works at many other popular galleries.

Volunteers Wanted for First Watertown Arts Market

The Town of Watertown is happy to support this year’s inaugural Arts Market, hosted by a coalition of arts and business organizations in Town, taking place at Arsenal Park on August 21 from 12-5 PM (rain date August 28th). 

The Watertown Arts Market is an outdoor event that will follow a similar format to a farmers’ market: Watertown-based artists, authors, creatives, musicians and music teachers, arts and culture organizations, and beyond will each host a table at the event. Attendees can wander through the Market, learning about the artistic and cultural offerings in Watertown. Artists and cultural organizations can share information about their work and sell visual art, music, services, and more.The Arts Market will need volunteers to help out between 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM on the day of the event  to assist with set up at Arsenal Park in the morning, to help throughout the day with various tasks, and clean up in the evening. Volunteers may work one 4 hour shift or two consecutive four hour shifts with with a one hour break. 

Visit watertownartsmarket.com for more information and to sign up to volunteer.

Deadline Coming Up for Participants to Apply for First Watertown Arts Market

The first Watertown Arts Market will be held on Aug. 21, and the deadline for participants to join is coming up soon. The Arts Market will be held at Arsenal Park on Saturday, Aug. 21, 12-5 p.m., and the deadline for participants to apply is Saturday, July 31. The Watertown Arts Market Team sent out the following announcement:

Enjoy the artistic and cultural offerings of over 60 local artists and organizations.