Arts Projects on the Horizon for New Public Arts Committee, Farewell to Longtime Supporter

Charlie BreitroseMembers of the original, volunteer Watertown Public Arts & Culture Committee were honored in City Hall on April 27. Pictured from left are members Barbara Epstein, Ingrid Marchesano, Deborah Peterson, Aramais Andonian, along with Steve Magoon from the Watertown Department of Community Development & Planning. Other former members Barbara Ruskin was unable to attend and Janet Jameson recently passed away. The Council Chamber was filled with supporters of public art in Watertown, including members of the new Committee devoted to Public Arts & Culture and its predecessor, a volunteer grassroots effort. The group also paid tribute to a woman who spent many years advocating for the arts as well as bicycle paths in Watertown.

City Honoring Original Watertown Public Arts & Culture Committee, Remembering Former Member

Charlie BreitroseThe Seeds of Change mural in Coolidge Square was a project sponsored by the original Watertown Public Arts & Culture Committee. The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:

The Watertown Public Arts & Culture Committee invites everyone to join them for a reception to honor the work of the former Watertown Public Arts & Culture Committee (WPACC) on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at 5pm in the Mastrangelo Council Chamber at the Watertown Administration Building, 149 Main Street. The former WPACC members who will be honored are Ingrid Marchesano, Aramais Andonian, Barbara Epstein, Barbara Ruskin, Deborah Peterson, and the late Janet Jameson. Also being honored for his role through the city is Director of Community Development & Planning, Steve Magoon. The former WPACC was instrumental in the creation and promotion of several public artworks throughout Watertown, including the Linear Path mural “A Bike Ride Through Watertown”, “Seeds of Change” in Coolidge Square, and “Tapestry of Cultures” at Baptist Walk.

New Rep Theatre Reemerges from Break, Returns to the Stage With a New Focus

Nine months after going on hiatus, New Repertory Theatre will return to the stage with a show that is part of the new focus of the Watertown-based theater company. New Rep’s We Are Storytellers series begins at the Mosesian Center for the Arts on Saturday, April 23. The two-show festival features the stories of people who have not always had a chance to be seen and heard on stage. This is part of the strategy that New Rep has adopted as it makes its return after the break. The Hiatus

When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit in March 2020, New Rep could not put on performances inside the Mosesian Center, but continued with a pair of virtual plays in 2020, and an outdoor, historical walking play on the grounds of the Arsenal on the Charles in 2021.

Watertown Gallery Hosting Show for Earth Day Focusing on Art of Protest

Storefront Art ProjectsWorks being installed at Storefront Art Projects for the exhibit Earth Day 2022L Time to Panic! Storefront Art Projects in Watertown announced its latest exhibit opening on April 9. The gallery provided the following information:

The art of protest in the age of climate crisis curated by Niels Burger and Kevin Shanahan at Storefront Art Projects, 83 Spring St., Watertown, MA, April 9 to April 30, Opening Saturday, April 9, 1-4 p.m.

Hours: Thursdays and Saturdays 1-4 p.m. (closed April 16) and by appointment  

Extinction Rebellion(XR) is a global environmental movement with a brand. They draw attention to the climate crisis, climate justice and ecological collapse through public acts of civil disobedience. XR uses specific colors, fonts and symbols in many different ways to creatively get the message across: Time is running out on us, mass extinction looms.

This exhibit features posters, banners and symbols from public demonstrations by activist artists and groups.

YardArt 2022 is Here, Join a Walking Tour of the Exhibits

The Deluxe Town Diner is taking part in YardArt 2022. The following information was provided by YardArt:

The YardArt 2022 exhibition is now open for viewing! Beginning March 4, neighbors throughout Watertown are displaying a variety of artful projects on their front yards and porches. Take a walk, ride a bike with friends, or stroll with family to see some of the ‘homegrown creativity’ in Watertown. The citywide exhibit runs through April 3rd.