Watertown Gallery’s Latest Show, “Family, Creativity, Continuity + Art | Interrupted” Opens Saturday

Watertown gallery Storefront Art Projects will host Family, Creativity, Continuity, and Art | Interrupted from Dec. 7 to 28, featuring the art of Lisa Olson and Mary Beth Muscara. A Reception will be held Saturday, Dec. 7, from 1-4 p.m. Gallery Hours: Thursdays and Saturdays 1-4

Find out more in the following information provided by the gallery:

Lisa Olson and Mary Beth Muscara share two grandchildren, but their lives and art practices are as far apart as their studios in Lexington, MA and Baltimore, MD. They both explore the fragility and danger of life and the relentlessness of time with collaged, painted, sculpted, corporeal, and somatic interruptions. 

Lisa is living with Parkinson’s disease which has robbed her of her manual dexterity and strength but her art is still flowing.

“Expert Pairings” for Edible Watertown Project Announced

Photo by Charlie BreitroseWatertown City Hall

The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:

Edible Watertown, a vibrant public art initiative by the Public Arts & Culture Committee that explores the city’s local ecology, is thrilled to announce the lead artists and scientists selected for its “Expert Pairings” project. This exciting collaboration pairs talented artists with knowledgeable scientists to create temporary, educational public artworks focused on edible plants, local resilience, and environmental awareness. The selected Expert Pairings are:

Sophy Tuttle (Artist) & Amber Siegel (Scientist, Charles River Watershed Association)

Jenn Houle (Artist) & Patrick Fairbairn (Scientist)

Ira Klein (Artist) & Yi (Jenny) Wang (Scientist)

Leah Craig (Artist) & Nicole Weber (Scientist)

About Edible Watertown:

Now in its third year, Edible Watertown fosters community engagement through artistic and scientific exploration of the town’s edible plants. This interdisciplinary project aims to connect residents with their local environment, highlighting the importance of local flora and ecosystems. Ultimately, Edible Watertown serves as a catalyst for environmental stewardship and appreciation for the natural gifts found right outside our doors. (Link to website)

About Expert Pairings:

Expert Pairings invites artists and scientists to collaborate on temporary public artworks exploring Watertown’s ecology.

Watertown Gallery Hosting Contemporary Art by Prize Winning Artist

Watertown’s Storefront Art Projects announced its latest exhibit, “WARM TO THE TOUCH: Recent Paintings by Jo Ann Rothschild,” curated by Elizabeth Michelman. October 19 – November 23, 2024  

Reception, Sat. October 19,  1- 4 pm

Artist Talk: November 16, 2pm

Gallery hours: Thursdays & Saturdays 1 – 4

Storefront Art Projects, 83 Spring St., Watertown, MA

Jo Ann Rothschild has had an enduring impact on contemporary painting in Boston and nationally. In 1993 she was the first recipient of the Museum of Fine Arts Maud Morgan Prize. In 2024 The National Gallery of Art exhibited Mom’s Yahrzeit (2021) in their collection of American abstractionists of the 60s through the 90s. Rothschild’s 92” x 122” un-stretched canvas, In Franklin Field (for Kimberly Rae Harbor (1990), is currently on display at the Museum of Fine Arts through January, 2025. Rothschild also recently published an updated version of her anti-misogynist “The Book of Penis!” provocative and subversive cartoons first published in 2010 by Pressed Wafer, Boston.   

Long identified with her earlier gridded, un-stretched canvases, Jo Ann Rothschild has moved beyond the rectangle to liberate the direct mark.

Project Save Hosting “Lens & Libations” Featuring Historic Photos of the Armenian Community

Project Save Photograph Archive has been preserving the global Armenian experience through photography since 1975. On Oct. 17, the group will host a exhibition with cocktails in Watertown. Project Save sent out the following information:

Join us for a casual evening of cocktails, photography, & community. We’ll have some new photographs from the archives up in our gallery!

Art Classes for Adults Available at the Mosesian Center for the Arts

The following announcement was provided by the Mosesian Center for the Arts:

Mosesian Center for the Arts offers a variety of visual art classes for adults. Classes are still open for registration. For more information, please see our Fall Catalog: https://view.publitas.com/mosesian-center-for-the-arts/education-catalog-fall-2024/page/14-15

Here are some of our classes starting very soon! Beginning and Intermediate Painting with Acrylic

Paint with acrylics in this class for all levels of painters. Beginners embark on exercises exploring color, value, and composition.

Armenian Museum Hosting Reception for Exhibit of Artist Who Creates Photo-Realistic Paintings

The following announcement was provided by the Armenian Museum of America:

Tigran Tsitoghdzyan is a New York-based artist whose photo-realistic paintings merge an interest in classical and modern art with an emphasis on his own experiences. Tigran’s work is exhibited widely including Art Basel Miami, Cube Art Fair in Times Square, and globally in cities such as Dubai, Singapore, Cannes, Zurich, Monaco, and Brussels. Opening ReceptionThursday, September 196:30 to 8:30 pm

In the Adele and Haig Der Manuelian GalleriesLight refreshments will be served

RSVP by Monday, September 16

RSVP here.

Watertown Art Gallery Hosting Reception for Latest Show, “Sticks and Stones & Words”

Storefront Art Projects in Watertown announced the opening of the new show, “Sticks and Stones & Words,” and the opening reception on Sept. 14. Come see the new group show, Sticks and Stones & Words at Storefront … Gail Barker ’s free-form knitting resembles peeled bark. 

Sally Brecher’s stick photographs look like fine ink drawings, and 

Rebecca Doughty creates personalities from small white-washed branches. 

John Christian Anderson’s pile of sticks have carved hands that reach to the sky. Joe Caruso draws seaweed covered boulders on paper mounted on aluminum.

Mosesian Arts Members Exhibit Features Range of Works from the Natural World to Abstraction

Claudia Ravaschiere’s “Journey of a Thousand Trees” is part of the Mosesian Center for the Arts’ Members Exhibition. The following announcement was provided by the Mosesian Center for the Arts:

The Mosesian Center for the Arts is excited to showcase a diverse body of art works from our current members. The upcoming exhibition gives our artist members the opportunity to demonstrate many and various ways to create work. In addition, artists explore a wide selection of themes. Several of the artists have turned to nature for inspiration and reflection.