Developers of Arsenal Yards Want Deal With Town to Cap Property Taxes

The developers behind the renovation of the Arsenal Mall have asked Town officials for something that has never been given in Watertown – a cap on the amount of property taxes. Bill McQuillan, principal of Boylston Properties, sent Town Council President Mark Sideris a letter last week requesting a “tax certainty” deal with the town. On Tuesday night, the Town Council referred the request to two subcommittees – Budget and Fiscal Oversight and Economic Development and Planning. Representatives from Boyslton and The Wilder Cos. said they need the certainty to get the funding required to pay for the $400 million project.

First Phase of Arsenal Mall Renovation to be Discussed at Community Meeting

Developers planning the renovation of the Arsenal Mall will discuss the first phase of the project during a Community Meeting on Thursday evening. Boylston Properties and The Wilder Companies will host the meeting where they will review Phase 1 of the Arsenal Yards master plan. “The purpose of this meeting will be to present and discuss the final layout and design of Building’s A and E, and discuss the operation of the property during construction,” said the meeting announcement. The master plan was approved by the Planning Board in January after nearly a year of discussions and meetings. Both buildings in Phase 1 were part of the original Watertown Arsenal.