Wayside Running 5K4Kids Fundraiser, Find Out How to Register to Run or Donate
The Wayside Multi-Service Center, based in Watertown, will be participating in a 5K walk and run to raise money to provide services to the community. The organization sent out the following information:
Wayside Multi-Service Center in Watertown promotes mental and emotional health by providing opportunities for youth to develop strong, positive relationships with caring adults. What we raise will go towards supporting:
The Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leadership Program where high school youth work on projects to promote positive coping skills, mental health and wellness, and youth substance use prevention, though projects such as our Address the Stress Instagram Campaign (https://www.instagram.com/w2b2youthwellnesscollaborative/).The Social Services Resource Specialist Program provides a central access point to connect residents to vital social services including fuel, food, housing and counseling resources.Counseling is provided for young people and their families who need support dealing with a variety of mental health needs.Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid Trainings are offered to enable adults to help adolescents or adults experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis.Enrichment Programming and Outreach in Public Housing where children participate in weekly after school activities including creative arts, cooking and community service projects. See more information at the Wayside Multi-Service Center website: https://www.waysideyouth.org/aboutus/ourservicesoverview/services/waysidemetroboston/waysidewatertown/waysidemulti-servicecenter/
The following information was provided by Wayside:
The Wayside virtual 5K4Kids takes place between Oct. 16-23, 2021.