Watertown Student Graduating from Oregon State University

The following announcement was provided by Oregon State University:

Oregon State University will graduate more than 7,300 students during ceremonies Saturday, June 17 at Reser Stadium in Corvallis and Sunday, June 18 at OSU-Cascades in Bend, including one from Watertown. The 7,338 graduates will receive 7,583 degrees. There will be 238 students receiving two degrees, two receiving three degrees and one receiving four degrees. OSU’s 2023 graduates represent 34 of Oregon’s 36 counties, 50 states and 71 countries. The graduates will add to the ranks of OSU alumni, who have earned 287,469 degrees over the university’s 154-year history. Local students graduating this June from Oregon State include:

Watertown: Yehan Lee, Bachelor of Science, Computer Science.

Watertown High School Class of 2023 Overcame Challenges With a Positive Attitude

by Charlie BreitroseWatertown High School Valedictorian Shannon Fitzpatrick addresses the Class of 2023 during the graduation ceremony. When the Watertown High School Class of 2023 ended their freshman year remotely in March 2020, they could have been discouraged for the rest of their high school career. However, they chose to band together and rise above their obstacles by avidly displaying school spirit, kindness and positivity throughout their four years. 

The ceremony, originally supposed to be held at Victory Field, was moved to the Kelly Gymnasium on June 2 due to a rainy forecast. Students, faculty, family members and friends crowded the gymnasium, making for a touching and special moment as this will be the last class to graduate from the present high school before it is demolished this summer. See the list of graduates here. 

Valedictorian Shannon Fitzpatrick looked back at her time at Watertown High as a journey.

Congratulations to the Watertown High School Class of 2023!

by Charlie BreitroseA Class of 2023 graduate hugs Principal Joel Giacobozzi after getting his diploma on Friday. Congratulations to the 150 Watertown High School seniors who graduated Friday at the ceremony at the WHS Gymnasium. Watertown High School Class of 2023

(Honors: + Cum Laude Society, ^ National Honor Society, * Seal of Biliteracy, # Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction)

Nasim Abenaou

Johnny Abizeid

Bonsu Panin Acheampong

Aneeq Ahmed

Sandra Ali Alnamous

Payton Gian Andrade

Nicole Erica Babayan

Gayane Badalyan *

Thandiwe Naomi Alua Baker +^

Adrianna Elaina Benites ^

Gabriela Bondaryk ^

Jhulia Gabriela Borel Macedo

Henry Byrne Broadstone

Max Edward Burke

Lexi Burroughs

John Anthony Cacace +^

Serena Jean Calix

Aidan John Campbell

Brendan Patrick Campbell

Gabriel Celio Chaves Carvalho *

Ana Alice Castro

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Watertown News (@watertownmanews)

Beatriz de Oliveira Castro

Phillip Morais Castro

Raymond Chen

Aren Cimenian

Raphaela Samara Coelho *

Miguel Angel Colon

Aidan Paul Conneely

Brianna Renora Cooper

Michael Fenton Corbett

Amanda Cosco ^

Collin Kerian Cox

Avaree Louise Crockton ^

Adrina Sima D’Arrigo ^

Caio Mesquita De Souza

Carina Bella Delorio +^

Briella Marie Demis

Emmalina Olive Rosana Devoy

Jack Edward Dickie

Riley Francis Donlan ^

by Charlie BreitroseStudents welcomed people to the 2023 Watertown High School Graduation Ceremony in their first language. More than a dozen languages were represented, including these Portuguese speakers. Bridget Mary Donohue

Margaret Grady Driscoll +^

Ricardo Mardoqueo Duran Amaya #

Iris Margaret Egan +^*

Mariangel Escobar Sierra *

Isaiah Junior Etienne

Allison Anne Fijux ^

Kelsey Fitzgerald

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Fitzpatrick +^

Shannon Marie Fitzpatrick +^

Catherine Bridget Fleming

Daou Emmauel Ignacio

Marina Claire Garcia-Rangel ^

Sean Patrick Gately

Jaylen Chavi Gonzalez

Emma Katherine Griffith

Camila Cardoso Guimaraes

Levon Gukasyan

Karen Maral Guler ^

Katherine Flynn Haley

Alique Mara Haserjian +^#

Johanna Hernandez #

Orlando Antonio Herrera

Cindy Chenyun Hong +^*

Sandra Emilio Hoxha

Ivy Huang

Brianna Marie Hume +^*

Robert John Iannetta +^*

Xavier Scensor Ip

Alyce Judge

Vana Rose Karaguesian *

Alexandra Christophile Karalis

Davit Karapetyan ^

Lara Jacqueline Kebabjian ^*

Hovanes Kehyeian

Jack Stratton Kelley

Abel Keshishian

Lwana Fawaz Khalil *

Paige Elizabeth King ^

Eric Vitaliy Kozorez

Derin Kugu

Benjamin Alden Kullman

Esmeralda Laurore

Maeve Ella Lawn +^

Ashley Bomfim Leal ^*

by Charlie BreitroseThe Watertown High School gym was packed for the Class of 2023’s graduation on Friday.

Watertown High Graduation Moving Indoors

The Class of 2023 will graduate in the gymnasium at WHS instead of Victory Field. The decision was made because of rain expected to hit the area during the ceremony. The ceremony starts at 6 p.m. and Principal Joel Giacobozzi said the number of guests will not be limited but there will be fewer seats than at Victory Field. Parking will also be limited. See more information by clicking here

Say Goodbye to Watertown High During Farewell Tour

The public is invited to take one last look around Watertown high School before it is torn down. Demolition is expected to start over the summer, and a new high school is planned to open in the same location in the spring or fall of 2026 (the temporary location will be Moxley Field — next to the Middle School). The WHS PTSO will hold a WHS Farewell Tour on on June 22 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

RSVP is not required, but appreciated. Suggested donation $10/person, proceeds benefitting the PTSO Scholarship Fund. See more details and RSVP here. https://www.watertownmanews.com/2023/05/19/general-contractor-for-high-school-project-has-good-history-in-town-utility-pole-may-delay-temporary-school/

Reopening of Lowell School Pushed Back Due to Delays in Materials & Equipment

Watertown Public SchoolsA look inside Lowell Elementary School, which is under construction, and reopening will be pushed back by about a month. Watertown Superintendent Dede Galdston sent out the following announcement on Tuesday, May 30:

To our Lowell Elementary School community:

We are writing to you this afternoon to share an update on the ongoing renovations at the Lowell school. Since last year, the Lowell has been undergoing its most significant construction project since the school was built in the 1920’s. We have been eagerly anticipating our return to Lowell, which was targeted for the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Unfortunately, it has now become apparent that we will not be able to reopen the school until early October.

First Richard Marcus Scholarships Awarded to 2 Watertown Students

Richard Marcus

The following letter was provided by the The Richard Marcus Scholarship Committee:

Dear Editor,

We, the Scholarship Committee, congratulate the recipients of The Richard Marcus Scholarship.  Richard Marcus was a local political activist. He was a real estate agent who, with his wife, Mary, raised their four children in town. 

Born in Boston, Richard’s parents came to America from Austria and Germany as World War II refugees. He never forgot what the United States of America did for his family and wanted to ensure that its greatness was shared by all. 

He made his first foray into community improvement through the schools. He worked with other parents to improve the education for their children with learning disabilities. Today, Watertown children with ADHD, dyslexia, autism and other learning challenges continue to benefit from this work. He supported several progressive causes, including Progressive Mass and criminal justice reform, and several progressive candidates. Through this work, he also mentored a future state senator and state representatives. Richard unexpectedly passed away on April 24, 2019. He left behind many friends, a strong community of like-minded individuals, and a grieving family who loved him tremendously. This scholarship was created to honor his legacy. On May 25th, Zuhayr Masud and Thandiwe Baker were each awarded $2,500. Zuhayr submitted a powerful essay. He has strived to overcome challenges, and continues to succeed. He will attend Wesleyan University in the fall and has several academic interests. In addition to being self-employed, he is the class president, belongs to various school clubs and activities, advocated for Watertown teachers during their strike, worked on the state’s Fair Share Amendment campaign, and led the effort to make prom tickets more affordable in order to make Prom more accessible.  Zuhayr walks the walk when it comes to equity, commitment and community.

General Contractor for High School Project Has Good History in Town, Utility Pole May Delay Temporary School

Ai3 ArchitectsA rendering of the designs for the new Watertown High School viewed from Columbia Street. The “A Team” will be back together to take on construction of Watertown High School after the School Building Committee voted to award the general contractor contract to Brait Builders this week. After months of climbing construction costs for the high school, the School Building Committee got some good news on Wednesday when Brait’s bid came in just $80,000 over the estimate, for a final bid of $147.96 million. Brait served as the general contractor for two of the three Watertown elementary school projects — Cunniff and Hosmer. Those schools, like WHS, were designed by Ai3 Architects.