LETTER: 2 School Committee Members Support Incumbents in Election

As the city election approaches, we wanted to express our support for the two incumbent candidates: Kendra Foley and David Stokes. For the last 8 years, Kendra has been committed to excellence in Watertown Public Schools. She has worked to raise academic achievement for all and to ensure students have a wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities. Kendra has been a long-time proponent of the Building for the Future initiative and has been a critical advocate for the new school buildings, both locally and at the state level. Kendra has built strong relationships with the city over the last 8 years, working together to create budgets for WPS that keep us on the track of continuous improvement.

Candidate Q&A: Rachel Kay

Watertown News: Please tell us about what inspired you to run for School Committee, and what experiences you have that would help you serve on the committee. Rachel Kay: As I have watched the School Committee over the past several years, I have found times where it was clear that my experience, both personal and professional could make a difference. Professionally, I have a PhD in Educational Research and Measurement from Boston College and I work at MIT’s Admissions Office as the Director of Research and Data Analysis. My education and my work involves interacting with data in an educational context, thinking about how it can best be used and how it should not be used. This expertise would be an asset to our schools.

MassBay College Hosting Open House for Prospective Students

The following announcement was provided by MassBay Community College:

MassBay Community College will hold its annual Fall Open House on Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on its Wellesley Hills campus. President David Podell, along with faculty, staff, and students will greet prospective students and their families. The Fall Open House is an opportunity for prospective students to talk with current students, faculty, and staff to learn about the 70 degree and certificate programs offered at MassBay. The Open House will feature a self-guided tour of campus and student and alumni panel discussions. Participants can learn how to pay for college in a financial aid and scholarship session. A presentation will be held on MassReconnect, a new program which funds free community college for Massachusetts residents, age 25 and older, who do not already have a college degree.

Watertown Youth Coalition to Present Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results

The following announcement was provided by the Wayside Youth & Family Support Network:

Join Watertown community members & stakeholders to review the 2023 YRBS data & strategize how to best-support Watertown youth moving forward. Wayside and Watertown Youth Coalition staff, with the help of Watertown City Council members, Watertown School administration and staff will review the 2023 Watertown Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data in order to strategize youth wellness programing in Watertown. Discussions and activities will be run by WYC Peer Leaders who will also provide their own testimonials and opinions on the data. The event will be held Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 6 p.m. at Lowell Elementary School, 175 Orchard St., Watertown.

Watertown Assistant Superintendent Heading to Marblehead to be Interim Superintendent

Watertown Assistant Superintendent Theresa McGuinness will be leaving Watertown after eight years to take a position in Marblehead. (Courtesy of Watertown Public Schools)

The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Public Schools:

Dr. Theresa McGuinness, Watertown’s Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, has accepted an offer to become the Interim Superintendent of Marblehead Public Schools. During her 8 years in Watertown, Dr. McGuinness demonstrated a relentless focus on the inclusiveness of instruction, valuing high expectations and equity for all students and staff members. Dr. McGuinness, like so many educators and administrators in Watertown, has worked tirelessly to create a fully inclusive, strong, and welcoming school district. “Watertown is a special school district and a microcosm of the world in many ways,” said Dr. McGuinness.

LETTER: Couple Endorses School Committee Candidate

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

Many are cynical or feel hopeless about politics. Let’s concede that some reasons for that exist. But there are even more reasons for recommitting ourselves to the honorable tradition of “P”olitics as service to community and to others, especially so for us in Watertown. With no need to deny the gamesmanship aspect of electoral politics, politics in Watertown is vibrant and decent. It is incumbent on all of us to keep it this way by shutting our doors to any attempts to undermine the service to the common good, rational, and compassionate spirit of our politics.

Hear From Watertown School Committee Candidates at Town Democrats Meeting

The five candidates running for three seats on the Watertown School Committee will appear at a forum this week. The Watertown Democratic Town Committee sent out the following information:

The Watertown Democratic Town Committee has invited all candidates running for Watertown School Committee to its October monthly meeting. The meeting will be held this Thursday, October 26th at the First Parish Church in Watertown, 35 Church Street, and starts at 7:30 p.m.

For more information please contact Will Pennington, Chair of the WDTC at  watertowndems@gmail.com.

Roads Near Watertown High School to be Closed for Utility Work

The following information was provided by the WHS construction project management firm, Vertex:

Dear Community Members,

Activities to complete the underground utility service improvements for the New High School Project are scheduled for Monday 10/23 and Tuesday 10/24. Please be aware that during work hours Columbia St. will be closed from Common St. to Barnard Ave. Resident access to driveways will be protected on Columbia St.