OP-ED: Decouple Sections of the Watertown Square Plan from the State Housing Requirement

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

Part Four: “Great things are done by a series of small things done together.” – Vincent van Gogh

Part One: We looked at the results of the June 13 joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Board and why public input is so important. Part Two: We looked at our City’s failing public communication system and how, for some, this might be politically advantageous. Part Three: We looked at my experiences meeting with Watertown residents and looked at the one part of the Watertown Square Area Plan with a deadline: The MBTA Law Compliance (zoning for 1,701 State mandated housing units). Today, in Part 4, we’ll look at the other components (topics) of change (with no deadline, but which are being forced into one plan and one quick deadline by the City). These topics would benefit from a slower, more thorough and nuanced approach.

OP-ED: What I Learned Speaking to Watertown Residents; MBTA Law Deadline

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

Part Three: “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Mark Twain

This simultaneously cynical and humorous quote by Mark Twain would just about summarize the feelings of the many disaffected voters in Watertown at this time. As I walked Watertown streets with informational flyers, knocking on doors, having really full and substantive conversations with residents, the phrase I heard most often was “disappointed in the decisions our Council has been making and the direction this City is taking.”

I heard stories about how and why they came to Watertown and what kept them here. I heard how year after year decisions made by our government are making it less compelling for them to stay. Everyone had a story … the man whose oncology researcher sister-in-law left a brand new apartment on Pleasant Street (and Watertown) a few years back, because the rat problem was so out of control.

Army Band to Perform Free Concert at Mosesian Arts

The 215th Army Band will perform a free concert at the Mosesian Center for the Arts. The following announcement was provided by the Mosesian Center for the Arts:

Mosesian Center for the Arts will welcome the 215th Army Band on June 26 as part of the band’s summer concert tour. Based in Fall River, the “Governor’s Own” 215th Army Band of the Massachusetts Army National Guard remains one of the nation’s finest military bands. For more than 60 years, the band has performed throughout New England and the world, bringing the Army’s musical traditions and goodwill to thousands of listeners. Commander Stephen M. Martins describes the summer concert tour: “In our concerts, we honor both Veterans of our Armed Forces, as well as those serving in the military today.

Save the Date for the Next Watertown Square Area Plan Meeting

The City of Watertown provided the following information:

Save the Date: The Joint Hearing to discuss the Watertown Square Area Plan will continue on June 27, 2024 at 6pm in the Watertown Middle School Auditorium at 68 Waverley Avenue in Watertown. This is a continuation of the Joint Hearing held on June 13 in the same location. We encourage everyone to visit the project website to learn more, and to access the plan document (PDF). This Hearing will be a hybrid meeting, meaning you have the opportunity to join virtually on Zoom or in-person. You will also be able to watch the Hearing live online on WCA-TV.

MBTA Announces Service Plans for Friday’s Celtics Parade

The following information was provided by MassDOT:

To accommodate parade attendees heading to the 2024 Boston Celtics Championship “Rolling Rally” victory parade, the MBTA will operate enhanced service on Friday, June 21, 2024. To accommodate higher-than-normal ridership, the MBTA will operate increased subway service and modified Commuter Rail schedules with additional train times before and after the parade. Riders are strongly encouraged to purchase roundtrip fares in advance. Due to expected crowds, additional MBTA staff, MBTA Transit Navigation Crew volunteers, Transit Ambassadors, Keolis personnel, and Transit Police will be deployed throughout the system to assist with safety, wayfinding, boarding, paying for fares, and schedule information. Riders can find more information on MBTA service, parking, paying fares, and more at mbta.com/Celtics. 

“Friday will be a busy but joyous day as we all celebrate the Boston Celtics’ 18th Championship victory.

Community Preservation Committee Accepting Applications, Find Out How Apply

The following information was provided by the City of Watertown:

Interested in applying for CPA funds? Your first step is to complete a Project Eligibility Form to determine if your project is eligible for CPA funding. Project Eligibility Forms are due July 29, 2024. 

Sign up for CPA Clinic Hours  Learn how to turn a good idea into a successful project. If you have a notion for a project on city-owned property, get connected to the right city departments for permission and support. Find answers to all your questions about the application process and forms. 

Schedule an appointment during CPA Clinic Hours, listed below, for a phone call or in-person meeting:

June 21, 2023: 1:30-3:30 p.m.

July 6, 2023: 10:30-12 p.m.

July 10, 2023: 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Read the application instructions here. Contact Lanae Handy, Community Preservation Coordinator at lhandy@watertown-ma.gov or visit watertown-ma.gov for more information.

OP-ED: Reflections on the First Watertown Square Plan Hearing

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

Part 1: Thomas Jefferson: “That government is the strongest of which every man feels himself a part.”

At last Thursday night’s Joint Hearing of the City Council and the Planning Board, the purpose was to gather community information and evaluate the Watertown Square Area Plan. According to Watertown News: “A large group of people supported the plan…” and “A significant number of people spoke out against parts of the project.”

This description is both brief and accurate. Many Watertown residents went to the podium to announce their “strong support” for this plan and/or to support it with the caveat that they’d like even more density. One by one, community members, finding no reason to look deeper into this plan, went up to the podium and started their comments with a cookie-cutter like “I strongly support this plan” and “I don’t think it goes far enough.”

They’d be a bit more convincing if some residents who agreed with this position hadn’t chosen to hold up their middle fingers and hiss behind the backs of those people who had more substantive and nuanced questions to be answered. Every Watertown resident is entitled to be heard, without such disrespectful antics.