Currently, Watertown enforces an overnight parking ban by prohibiting parking longer than one hour between 1:00 AM and 6:00 AM from approximately December through March. The primary rationale for this measure, which is enforced through the issuance of parking tickets, is to allow for better snow removal. The downside to such a ban is that many residents and their guests find themselves unable to store their vehicles anywhere near their homes overnight.
The Watertown winter parking ban unfairly penalizes those with fewer means who do not have access to off-street parking. During the cold, dark winter months, parents with young children, the elderly, the disabled and many others are asked to walk a mile or two in the dark to go park their car in a remote lot, which then fills up.
We understand that Watertown officials charged with the responsibility of making our streets safe are calling this a public safety issue, namely that emergency vehicles need to get through and if people park in the street during winter, at night, they cannot.