Tree Planted for Arbor Day First of 100 Planned Around Watertown in 2021

Trees for WatertownTeam members from Hartley Greymont tree service company and Watertown Department of Public
Works help to install the new Dawn Redwood tree planted at the Lowell School on Arbor Day, 2021. The following piece was written and submitted by James Briand of Trees for Watertown Watertown:

Tree Warden Gregory Mosman celebrated Arbor Day last week with the planting of a magnificent Dawn Redwood at the Lowell School, assisted by Steven Kendall representative of tree service provider Hartney Greymont and former Deputy Tree Warden for the City of Boston. Joining Mosman and Kendall were volunteers Marbin Sanchez and Jon Quinn, and David Andrad of the Watertown Department of Public Works. The tree planting was recorded by Trees for Watertown board member Jessica Grimsby, who is preparing a short how-to video to encourage residents to plant trees on their own property. Next year Arbor Day will turn 150 years old.

Watertown Teens Take to Streets on Earth Day to Call Attention to Climate Change

Sunrise WatertownSunrise Watertown marched on the streets of Watertown on Earth Day to bring attention to climate change. The following piece was provided by Sunrise Watertown:

Fifteen months ago, Sunrise Watertown convened with the intention of hosting a 2020 Earth Day event for the community. Little did we, or anyone, expect, our plans would come to a screaming halt at the hands of the pandemic. Nevertheless, we reworked our ideas by hosting a virtual Earth Day event; We invited community members to make signs to post pictures with, sign our petition to enact a Massachusetts Green New Deal, and watch some of the videos we had created through Zoom. Since then, we have gone on to meet with Massachusetts Senators, town councillors, and a whole host of other people willing to help us fight for a livable future.

Paddle and Run the Charles River Virtually in 2021, Event Hosted by Charles River Watershed Association

Charles River Watershed AssociationThe Run of the Charles paddle race will take place virtually in 2021, with participants paddling live but on their own schedule. A run will also be held. The following announcement was provided by the Charles River Watershed Association:

We are excited for you to join us for this year’s Annual Run of the Charles with a virtual twist! While we had high hopes to do our beloved event in person, we have put together a fun and interactive event to get you out on the Charles enjoying the sights and sounds of Spring. We look forward to keeping the competition alive! Run of the Charles: Boston’s Premier Paddling Race, Sunday, April 25 – Sunday, May 23


For this year’s paddle race, individual paddlers and teams have the option of four different routes, some taking you to areas of the Charles where you may have never paddled before!

Public Can Comment on Proposed Removal of Contaminated Soil from Arsenal on the Charles

The oval with blue stripes is the location of the contaminated soil at the east end of Building 311 in the Arsenal on the Charles. The U.S. Army has come up with a plan to remove contaminated soil from the former military site, which is now the Arsenal on the Charles. The public can submit comment on the proposed plan until April 14, 2021. The area where the contaminated soil is located is by 311 building on the Arsenal on the Charles site. Building 311, the long building along Arsenal Street, is home to Athenahealth, and used to be home to Boston Sports Club.

Resolution to Declare a Climate Emergency to be Examined by 2 Council Subcommittees

The Town Council postponed a vote on a resolution that would declare a climate emergency, instead sending it to a pair of subcommittees to study it more closely and come back with a revised version. At Tuesday’s meeting, Councilors said that they supported taking action against climate change, but members of the Council said they did not believe enough discussion had been allowed on the resolution. Some pointed to the fact that it would change the Town’s deadline for eliminating greenhouse gas emissions in Watertown from 2050 to 2035. “This is a difficult decision for me because I believe climate change represents a real and dangerous threat to life on our planet and it is an emergency we must address,” said Council Vice President Vincent Piccirilli. “However, this resolution was placed on agenda for vote with a lack of transparency, and circumventing our commitment for engagement on matters of great importance.

Watertown Groups Hosting Online Event on How Trees Can Help Manage Climate Change

Find out about how urban trees can help manage climate change in Watertown at an event hosted by the Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee and Trees for Watertown. Organizers sent out the following announcement:

March 20 Symposium:  Trees & Climate Change in Watertown

The trees in our neighborhoods are vitally important players in protecting us from increasing urban impacts of climate change.  Join your Watertown neighbors on Saturday, March 20, 10am to noon, to learn how our city trees protect us and how we can help them do that important job.  

Register for the free symposium at this link: — or search YouTube for “T&CCWatertown” to watch the livestream on YouTube.

WHS Students Looking to Plant 150 Trees in Watertown, Selling Seedlings

Two types of trees are available from the Watertown High School Environmental Club, the River Birch and Eastern Redbud. The following announcement was provided by the Watertown High School Environmental Club:

The Watertown High School Environmental Club needs your help to offset school paper usage in the community! During a normal school year, WHS uses up to 1.2 million sheets of paper, which is equivalent to 150 trees. The club has teamed up with Tree-Plenish to sponsor an event in which you can purchase a sapling for $5, and opt to have volunteers plant it in your yard. Tree-Plenish’s mission is to create more sustainable schools by replenishing the environment with these lost resources. 

“As a member of the WHS Environmental Club, I am very proud to be working with Tree-Plenish to help our community,” said Cooper Petrie.

LETTER: Say No to CleanChoice, but Yes to Green Electricity

CleanChoice Energy has been sending mailings to Watertown residents. The Town of Watertown also offers a clean energy option. Editor:

Maybe you were tempted by a mailing you got from CleanChoice Energy offering you 100% renewable electricity.  If so, you might want to look closer at local options. The CleanChoice Energy solicitation was for 12.40 cents per kilo watt hour but that rate will vary monthly.  If you look at their website, they are offering twelve month plans for 14 cents/kwh and 16.8 cents/kwh. Compare this to what you get by opting up on our local town sponsored Watertown Electricity Choice. You may already be getting your electricity through the Watertown Electricity Choice Standard plan where 55% of the electricity delivered to you is green. If you haven’t already done so, you can get 100% green energy through WEC for 12.718 cents per kwh. Unlike CleanChoice Energy, rates under WEC are guaranteed through Dec.