LETTER: Watertown Resident Shares His Experience Voting in the Town Election

The following letter was written on Nov. 2, 2021. Dear Friends,

Re: Voter Shock! Today is Watertown Election Day, and as a civic minded individual, resident in the City known as the Town of Watertown, I did not linger in bed until my usual hour of 7:30 a.m., but rose to prepare to exercise my duty. I voted and believe that I have recovered sufficiently from my shock, that I may now share with you my experience. Things you should know:

·         Watertown once included the towns of Weston, Waltham and large portions of Lincoln, Belmont, and Cambridge.

LETTER: Resident Endorses School Committee Candidate

To the editor:

This election day I am casting my vote for Amy Donohue for School Committee.  

Amy’s credentials as a dedicated public servant and involved parent have been well-documented over the past several years. 

Her commitment to our Public Schools goes far beyond the interests of her own children, as she cares deeply about the quality of education for all students. She has advocated fairly and passionately for students, families, teachers, and administrators during her first term. I have had the good fortune to be friends with Amy for well over 10 years, we also served as co-presidents of the Watertown Education Foundation. Having spent many years fundraising for the school-wide Educational Grant Program either at the Spelling Bee or Trivia Night or Dancing with the Stars, I have seen first-hand the time, effort, and energy Amy has dedicated to our town. I have found her to be a caring, compassionate, intelligent person, willing to listen to all sides of an issue and fully considers all options before making important decisions.  

Her tireless involvement in the community, through The Ed Foundation, teaching in our public schools, and as a local business owner, to name just a few, shows that she is a person of service and integrity, who truly wants the best for Watertown. I know she will continue to serve the school committee with the same passion she exhibits in all of her endeavors.

LETTER: District B Resident Endorses Candidate for Town Council

I am writing to endorse Lisa Feltner for re-election as our District B Councilor. I have valued Lisa’s work for our neighborhood and for Watertown as a whole for many years. She has a deep understanding of complex town issues, a willingness to work tirelessly to develop and implement sound public decisions, and a true openness to the views of all residents. She has long been a champion of resident involvement in town affairs. When I first met Lisa, she was a leader in the Concerned Citizens residents group – formed to provide resident input on contaminated site redevelopment and other local development challenges.