LETTER: Watertown Group Holding Vigil Against Starting War with Iran
The following information was provided by Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment:
Donald Trump is threatening war on Iran. On Sunday, May 19, he tweeted that a fight between our two countries would mark, “the official end of Iran.” These genocidal threats cannot go unchecked. Military experts are warning that a war with Iran would be horrific. Our friend Colonel Larry Wilkerson recently stated that the conflict would be, “a disaster that will make the 10 years in Iraq look like child’s play by comparison.”
Watertown Citizens will rally with Massachusetts Peace Action in Watertown Square on Saturday, June 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. We will raise awareness of this crisis and protest the Trump Administration’s reckless rhetoric and attempts to destabilize yet another Middle Eastern country. We will urge our representatives to support the Prevention of Unconstitutional War with Iran Act (H.R. 2354).