OP-ED: Details of Hands Free Cell Phone Bill Being Considered at State House

State Sen. Will Brownsberger

The following piece was provided by State Sen. Will Brownsberger, D – Belmont, who also represents Watertown and parts of Boston:

On Nov. 18, House and Senate conferees filed their report on the hands-free cell phone safety bill. The bill is virtually certain to be approved by both branches and to become law shortly. The new hands-free rules will take effect in late February 2020, but violations will be handled with warnings through March 31, 2020. Under the new law, you can talk to your cell phone, but you cannot touch or even look at it while driving, except in true emergency.

LETTER: Former Town Councilor Urges Support of Town/BB&N Fields Agreement

A drawing of the proposed playing fields that BB&N School wants to build on Grove Street. The land currently belongs to Mount Auburn Cemetery. Dear friends and neighbors,

As many of you may have heard, the Mount Auburn Cemetery’s property on Grove Street is up for sale. Just next door to Filippello Park, the site is currently being leased by the Mount Auburn Hospital for employee parking. Most bidders on the lot are looking to build lab/office or residential space there. This means more cars on Grove Street and no chance at expanding our open and green space in Watertown. There’s also a historic home on the site called the Shick House which isn’t likely to be saved under that scenario. The Shick family once operated a dairy farm from that house in the mid 1900’s. The Trustees of the cemetery have a fiduciary responsibility to be responsible stewards of the cemetery’s assets for the long-term and have chosen to liquidate the asset. They’re going to make the responsible choice for their institution and one can hardly blame them.

LETTER: East End Councilor Calls Town’s Partnership with BB&N “Win-Win”

A drawing of the proposed playing fields that BB&N School wants to build on Grove Street. The land currently belongs to Mount Auburn Cemetery. Hello East Enders,

Interesting possibilities are on the horizon…………. The private, Buckingham, Browne and Nichols School (BB&N) has shown an interest in purchasing the Mount Auburn Cemetery property at 165-183 Grove St. in our East End of Watertown.

LETTER: Council Candidates Respond to Concerned Watertown Homeowner’s Questions

Watertown’s Town Hall. Dear Editor,

Like last election, the Concerned Watertown Homeowners Association asked the At Large candidates a series of YES/NO policy questions that will effect our community. Their answers below. As always we thank them for their time and candor, and hope this helps voters make informed decisions on voting day. We did not receive answers from candidates Michelle Cokonougher and Clyde Younger

John LabadiniPresidentConcerned Watertown Homeowners Association.

LETTER: Former Councilor Announces His Endorsements for 2019 Election

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I’m writing this little note just to share my thoughts on the Town Councilor At-Large race in Watertown. As some may know, the candidates have been under some good scrutiny with respect to policy questions in the forums, questionnaires and interviews in our local media and I think we all appreciate that. I also want to say that I appreciate each and every one of the candidates running for office here in town regardless of whether or not I may disagree with some of their priorities.  Thank you all for stepping up to do good for our city and for being willing to volunteer your precious time in the most noble endeavor of representing your constituency. That being said, I wanted to briefly share where I stand on the candidates in case anyone is still reading.  

Anthony Donato, a native son of our town and childhood friend to many of us may have once been thought to stand alone on those credentials but I think that his work in the last two years leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind that he offers so much more than that. He stands in the company of very few councilors in his dedication to researching and listening to differing points of view on the issues that come before the council and I think that speaks volumes. He has expressed his willingness to push on the town-wide shuttle bus system that is a languishing initiative in need of champions and has been an impartial vote on several not-so-sexy but nevertheless important ordinance updates and improvements in his first term. Tony Palomba, is as compassionate, caring and loving a person as I’ve ever met.  He works every day in the support of his community and anyone who reaches out to him gets called back and heard.

LETTER: Library Trustee Candidate Shares His Vision

Watertown Free Public Library

Dear Watertown Residents,

My name is Theodore (Teddy) Kokoros and I am running in the November 5th election to become a Watertown Free Public Library Trustee. Even though I am running unopposed, (there are 3 candidates for 3 open Watertown Library Trustee positions) I wanted to share with you 10 of my priorities if I become a Watertown Library Trustee because you deserve information on every candidate on the ballot so you can make an informed decision on election day. 1. Help the Watertown Library survey as many Watertown residents as possible to get feedback from the Watertown community about what the library does well, what it could do better, and big ideas for The Watertown Library’s future. 2.

OP-ED: Looking at Gov. Baker’s Temporary Ban on Vaping

The following piece was provided by State Sen. Will Brownsberger, D – Belmont, who also represents Watertown and parts of Boston. On Sept. 24, Governor Baker declared a public health emergency and temporary ban on the sale of all vaping products in response to a multi-state outbreak of unexplained lung illnesses associated with vaping. In effect until Jan. 25, the ban seeks to provide medical experts time to properly investigate the dangers associated with the use of electronic nicotine and marijuana products, which will assist the state in developing a response that could include new legislation or Department of Public Health (DPH) regulations.