LETTER: Resident Disappointed by Solar Company’s Suit to Allow Door-to-Door Sales During COVID

To the Editor:

Watertown has been lucky to have a relatively low rate of COVID-19 infection and death. Our elected officials and administrators have worked diligently on our behalf. Among the safety measures instituted is a ban on door-to-door solicitation during the crisis. Trinity Solar, a for-profit New Jersey solar installation company, has threatened legal action against Watertown for its ban on door-to-door solicitation during the pandemic. Even if solar installation is deemed an essential service, there is nothing “essential” about selling solar door-to-door during a pandemic.

LETTER: Watertown Teachers Union Responds to State’s Letter on Starting In-Person Classes

The Watertown Educators Association supports the School Committee and Superintendent Deanne Galdston in their decision to begin the school year with a robust remote learning plan and a strategic return to in-person learning using sensible health and safety protocols. Educators are dismayed by Commissioner Jeff Riley and Governor Charlie Baker’s threatening directive to recklessly force students and educators back into school buildings. How the school year unfolds is a local decision arrived at democratically, and stakeholders in the community have made clear that beginning with remote learning is the best way to meet the needs of students while preventing the spread of COVID-19 to our students, our school staff, and the community. https://www.watertownmanews.com/2020/09/22/watertown-among-districts-encouraged-by-state-to-return-to-in-person-learning/

Educators want nothing more than to be back in classrooms with their students. However, the risk of COVID-19 makes that impossible, and is particularly concerning in Watertown where school buildings present health and safety issues to address before a physical return makes sense.

LETTER: Former Town Councilor Backs State Rep. Candidate

Dear Voter,

I write with pleasure to endorse Steve Owens to represent the 29th Middlesex District, the seat that is being vacated by Rep Jonathan Hecht. Rep Hecht has been a progressive legislator and a great friend. I have total confidence that Steve will continue Jon’s path. Steve was a critical team member in my campaigns for Town Council. He resuscitated a moribund Watertown Democratic Town Committee and it has become known as one of the most dynamic groups in the state.

LETTER: Chair of Progressive Watertown Endorses State Rep. Candidate

I ask you to vote for Democratic State Committee member Steve Owens in the Middlesex 29th District State Representative race. I have known Steve since 2012 and have come to know his wife Pia and their two sons over the years. They are dedicated parents raising their boys to become curious, confident, standup adults and citizens. Even among all of this chaos, they remain steadfast. As a representative, Steve will be exceptional for several reasons.

LETTER: Steve Owens Has Put in the Work

I’m writing to urge my friends and neighbors to vote for longtime Democratic Town Committee chair Steve Owens for state rep this primary. Other letters have touted Steve’s progressive commitments and his impressive command of the issues facing our state. In this letter I want to focus instead on the work Steve has put into this race. Regardless of your policy views, I think we can all agree that we want a representative who will be energetic about using his powers of office to stand up for us and help our community and our town. Steve is the only candidate who has a campaign website where he has written about issues that are important to him and what he intends to do in office, a key piece of transparency that other candidates have chosen not to provide.

LETTER: Steve Owens Would Be a Transportation Minded State Rep

Many Watertown voters have traffic, congestion and public transportation at the top of their list of concerns. Many of us rely heavily on MBTA service to get to work and other essential life functions. The majority of us are deeply concerned about the environment and climate change. If you want an advocate who will be committed to addressing these concerns in the State House, then Steve Owens is your best choice for State Representative. Steve is a transportation professional by trade and understands the complication of going from policy to complex nuts and bolts operations.

LETTER: Don’t Move Polling Location to Senior Housing, Risk Spreading COVID-19

Dear Editor Charlie Breitrose and Others To Whom It Concerns:

I am a senior who lives at 100 Warren Street in Watertown MA, which is SENIOR HOUSING.  

We learned this weekend that Watertown is moving its voting location for District 11 and 12 elections for 2020 to be held in my residential building. “Pursuant to Section 11 of Chapter 115 of the Acts of 2020, the City Clerk has prepared the following report relative to moving the polling place for Precinct 11 & 12 from the Cunniff School 246 Warren St to the E. Joyce Munger Apartments 100 Warren St: Report on Precincts 11 & 12 Polling Place Change Dated 08/06/2020”

The seniors, handicapped residents and people of color who live here represent the highest risk population for COVID-19. It is not acceptable to have the elections in our building, period. It should never have been considered. This cannot be made “safe” no matter what we are told. The way for us to be “safe” is for it not to happen at all. To force residents to accept this decision is to be without compassion and conscience and shirks the implied duty of persons in authority to protect those in your care. This is our home! During this virus crisis, many people have been very creative in making lives work well in a deadly unwell environment. For example, since March all sorts of certifications and guidelines have been relaxed statewide to achieve desperately needed results. Surely our state and local officials can find a way to do that in this situation – another site needs to be found. How about a tent?