2025 Watertown Property Taxes Rising, But Bills Still Lower Than 2022

Charlie BreitroseWatertown’s City Hall. Property taxes will rise nearly 6 percent over last year, but will still be lower than they were in Fiscal Year 2022 (2021-22). On Tuesday, City Council approved a property tax rate with the maximum amount of the burden shifted from residential to commercial, industrial and personal properties, and the maximum residential exemption for owner-occupied homes. During the Property Tax Classification Hearing, the Council heard from people concerned about the rising taxes, as well as the recent five-year property revaluation process. Tax Bills

The Council got to choose the maximum exclusion for residential properties, either 33 percent (the same as last year), 34 percent, or 35 percent.

Watertown’s New Director of Public Works Seeks to Get DPW Accredited

Watertown has a new Public Works Director. Find out more about him in the announcement provided by the City of Watertown. Watertown City Manager George Proakis is excited to announce the hiring of Thomas Brady as the new Director of Public Works! Mr. Brady returns to Watertown after 23 years with the Town of Brookline where he served as a key member of the Brookline Department of Public Works (DPW) team in the role of Urban Forestry Manager, Tree Warden and Town Arborist. Tom has overseen forestry operations, coordinated storm responses, provided oversight for utility projects, and represented Brookline on the extensive Muddy River Restoration Project – a 20-year $70 million public works improvement on the Boston/Brookline line that served the combined roles of addressing flood control, water quality improvement, conservation and historic preservation.

Public Review Period for Board of Assessors Conducting Property Revaluation is Dec. 2-6

The following announcement was sent out by the City of Watertown Board of Assessors and first published on Nov. 26:

Following state statutes and Department of Revenue (DOR) regulations, the Board of Assessors is completing the FY2025 Quinquennial Revaluation of all real and personal property in Watertown. Revaluation is a year-long process when the DOR examines in detail all assessing methodologies used by the city, as well as the values derived through the mass appraisal system. These valuations are pending preliminarily approval by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. The values are subject to change within this disclosure period.

Two Years Worth of Road Construction Coming in 2025, Ratings of City’s Roads Have Dropped

The City plans to do two years worth of road reconstruction work in the 2025 construction season, and nearly 30,000 feet of utilities line will be replaced around town. The City Council approved the 2025 Local Road Construction Program on Nov. 26, which includes five streets funded in Fiscal Year 2025, and five roads approved but not constructed in FY24. The Department of Public Works selects the roads to be reconstructed based on multiple factors, including the condition of the pavement, and utilities that have been replaced by the City or utilities, City Engineer Tyler Glode told the City Council’s Committee on Public Works. Based on these factors, the DPW chose to reconstruct Poplar Street, Partridge Street, Pequosette Street, north and south Irving Park and Royal Street, and Green Street during the 2025 construction season, from April to November.

Residents Wanted to Serve on the Community Preservation Committee

The City of Watertown seeks applications from residents seeking to serve on the Community Preservation Committee. See information below. City Manager George J. Proakis is inviting Watertown residents to apply for membership on the Community Preservation Committee. Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application. The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) makes recommendations for the use of Community Preservation funds for initiatives related to open space, outdoor recreation, historic resources, and community housing.

City Council Votes to Make Renovating Watertown Middle School a Priority

Watertown Middle School

Watertown Middle School will be the next major project constructed by the City of Watertown. Tuesday night, the City Council voted to move the school to the top of the Capital Projects list. One of the primary reasons was to take advantage of the cost savings provided by using the modular classes set up on Moxley Field for students while the school is under construction. The City Council held a special meeting after City Manager George Proakis asked Councilors said a decision must be made about when to take on the middle school project because the modular classrooms currently serving as the temporary Watertown High School will be removed in 2026 unless the City extends the lease. The Middle School is not the only project on the list of priorities.

Council Approves Watertown Square Zoning Changes With Increased Sustainability Requirements & Other Changes

The zoning map recommended by the Planning Board on October 30, 2024. After nearly a year of planning, meetings and discussion, the Watertown Square Area Plan zoning changes have been adopted by the City Council. The updated zoning will meet the State’s housing requirements, even after trimming back some of the recommendations from the Planning Board, and the Council increased the green building requirements for new projects. Thursday night, the Council approved the Watertown Square Zoning unanimously. They included a majority of the changes recommended by the Planning Board on Oct.

Watertown Residents Wanted to Serve on Several Committees and Boards

Residents have the opportunity to apply to serve on multiple City of Watertown committees and boards, including the Residents Advisory Committee, the Licensing Board, the Historic District Commission, the Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee, the Watertown Cultural Council, and the Conservation Commission. The City provided the following information:

City Manager George J. Proakis is seeking Watertown residents interested in serving on multiple committees and boards. Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application. 

The Licensing Board issues all licenses in the City and has jurisdiction over licenses to sell alcohol; entertainment licenses; common victualer licenses; motor vehicle repair licenses; taxicab and livery licenses; and other licensed activities in the City. Candidates should have a background in law, business, or a related field.  Member requirements are defined to be in compliance with MGL c.138, s.4.