See the Watertown Candidates Forum Live Tonight

Candidates in the Watertown Town Election will be appearing at an election forum co-hosted by Watertown News and Watertown Cable Access Television Thursday night beginning at 6:30 p.m.

The Candidate Forum will be held on Thursday, Oct. 24 from 6:30-9 p.m. It will be held in the Lecture Hall at Watertown High School, 50 Columbia St. If you cannot attend, watch the forum from home on WCA-TV’s Public Channel:

• Comcast: Channel 9

• RCN: Channel 3


• Facebook LIVE:

This year’s Watertown voters will vote for Town Council President, Town Councilors At-Large, District Councilors, School Committee and Board of Library Trustees. The evening begins with statements from un-opposed candidates at 6:30 p.m. At 7 p.m., the seven candidates for Town Councilor At-Large will be answering questions. Some questions will be prepared by the organizers, and some time will be set aside for questions from the audience.

Find Out Which Candidate Won the Watertown Dems Presidential Straw Poll

The following information announcement was provided by the Watertown Town Democratic Committee:

 Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was the choice of Faire-goers for the Democratic nomination for President in the Watertown Democratic Town Committee’s annual straw poll at Saturday’s Faire on the Square.  The home-state senator won 49 percent of the nearly 150 votes cast, while former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden came in a distant second with 19 percent. The poll was held at the Democratic Town Committee’s table at Watertown’s annual Faire on the Square, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2019. Participants were asked to choose between the declared candidates in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary. Coming in third place with 9 percent of the vote was South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, followed closely by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders with 8 percent.

Crowded Field of Candidates for Town Council At-Large Seats

Watertown voters will have one big race to follow in this fall’s Town Election, Meanwhile, the other elected posts have uncontested races, but there will be some new faces. Seven candidates are running for the four Councilor at-large seats on the Town Council. There will not be need for a preliminary election in September. Three incumbents will be running in the Councilor at-large race: Tony Palomba, Caroline Bays and Anthony Donato. The fourth seat was vacated by Michael Dattoli when he moved out of town, and his term was filled by former-Councilor Susan Falkoff.

LETTER: Resident Joins Race for Watertown Library Trustee

I recently pulled papers to run for the office of Watertown Free Public Library Trustee in the November 2019 election. In the coming weeks and months, I will be canvassing around town, initially gathering enough signatures to appear on the ballot, and getting to know voters and their thoughts about the future of the Watertown Public Library. First, I would like to introduce myself here to my fellow Watertown residents, and explain why I am running for Library Trustee. I am a lifelong Watertown resident. I grew up in the Irving Park neighborhood near Perkins School for The Blind in the 80s and 90s and about 13 years ago moved to the west side of town where I co-purchased a home with my sister.