Developers Discuss Project on Galen Street, Traffic & Transit Improvements

A view looking south from Galen Street of the proposed life science building at 66 Galen Street. Developers of the parcel on Galen Street that includes for former Colonial GMC dealership, say their project will bring millions in property taxes with the new biotech space, and also improve traffic in and around the Galen Street area. Residents remain worried that the gridlock will continue, or move onto side streets. Boston Development Group hosted a virtual community meeting on Oct. 1 to present the planned building, and ways they want to improve the traffic and public transportation in the area.

Second Round of Microenterprise Grants Available for Watertown Businesses

A lot of money was raised and spent on the 2015 Watertown Election. Companies with five or fewer employees can still take advantage of the microenterprise grants that were adversely impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. A second round of grants has been announced by the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC). Applications will be accepted from Oct. 2 to Oct.

A Quartet of Homes Sold in Watertown This Week

Two single-family homes and two condos were sold this week. $500,000 – 240 Arlington St. Unit 240, Condo – 2/3 Family, 1,168 Living Area Sq. Ft. (Includes Finished Basement), 6 Room, 2 Bedroom, 1 Full Bathroom

$778,000 – 22 Dewey St., Single Family – Detached Cape, 2,000 Living Area Sq.

See This Weekend’s Watertown Open Houses

More than a dozen homes hosting open houses in Watertown this weekend. $999,000 – 28 Prentiss St. Unit 28, Condo – Townhouse, 2,739 Living Area Sq. Ft. (Includes Finished Basement), 8 Room, 4 Bedroom, 3 Full & 2 Half Bathroom, Open Houses: Saturday 12-1:30 Sunday 12-1:30

$1,100,000 – 37 Langdon Ave., Single Family – Detached Colonial, 2,855 Living Area Sq.

October is Graphic Novel Month at the Watertown Library

The following information was provided by the Watertown Library:

This October, The Watertown Free Public Library (WFPL) is hosting Graphic Novel Month: a teen-centric celebration with virtual programs for grades 4–12. Why all the fuss? The Library believes that graphic novels and comics are not only fun; they are works of art, often great literature, and a significant part of pop culture. For the first time ever, WFPL is joining forces with The Comic Stop in Watertown to present this October’s festivities. Thanks to support from The Comic Stop, all Graphic Novel Month participants will receive free gift bags with comic books.

Five Watertown Homes Were Sold This Week

See the property that sold in Watertown this week. $1,850,000 – 22-24 Carver Road, Multi-family Home – 2 Family,4,870 Living Area Sq. Ft. (Includes Finished Basement), 2 Units, 16 Total Rooms, 8 Total Bedrooms

$535,000 – 5 Bromfield St. Unit 2, Condo – 2/3 Family, 1,143 Living Area Sq.