Watertown Library & Wayside Youth Offering Workshops for Communicating with Your Teen

The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Library:

All parents can, on occasion, use help in communicating with their children, especially with teens. Wayside Youth and the Teen Department of the Watertown Free Public Library will be offering a free series for parents who sometimes get stymied when they try to talk about the difficulties, high expectations, and other stressors their teens experience during adolescence. The workshops will be held March 7, April 4, and May 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the Watertown Free Public Library. Discussion topics on these evenings include how and why there are such difficulties communicating, how parents can deal with their stress when they talk to their teens, and what resources in Watertown are available to assist them. One evening, there will be a panel of teens who will talk about their perspective and about the barriers they experience when talking to their parents.

LETTER: Candidates for GOP State Committee Endorsed by Former State Committeeman

Dear Republican Voter:

March 5, 2024 is a very important day for the future of the Republican party in Massachusetts. That is the day the Republicans will vote fo r their candidate for President. But almost as important, it is the day that they will also vote for their Representatives on the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. As you may recall I was honored to serve in that position from 2012 until 2021, when I left to move with my family to Virginia. However, I still care deeply about the district and the Republican Party in MA.

Funds for Walker Pond Planning Study Recommended by Community Preservation Committee

Photo by Leo MartinWalker Pond, on the Westside of Watertown, is one of the town’s hidden wetlands and a the Community Preservation Committee recommended funds be spent to do a study for improving the property. The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Community Preservation Committee:

The Watertown Community Preservation Committee voted at its Feb. 15 meeting to recommend to the City Council that it fund Walker Pond planning studies and a public engagement process to develop a master plan for use of the site. The 7 acre Walker Pond site was purchased by the city in December 2022. The City’s Department of Community Development and Planning (DCDP) requested use of Community Preservation Act (CPA) monies for this first phase of creating a new park.

Police Warn of Phone Scam Using WPD’s Phone Number

The Watertown Police sent out the following information about a scam that was reported on Wednesday, Feb. 28:

This morning, a private citizen received a phone call from the Watertown Police Phone Number (617-972-6500) and the caller Identified themselves as Chief Hanrahan. The caller knew the citizen’s full name and then proceeded to tell her “we have illegal orders for you, if you don’t cooperate we are going to come to your house and arrest you”. When the citizen asked how to cooperate, she was told to provide certain personal information. The citizens’ instincts were correct and decided not to cooperate and hung up the phone.

City Seeks Artists to Design Bike Racks in Four Locations

The Community Path entrance on Main Street near Halfway Cafe is one location where bike racks will be installed. (Courtesy of City of Watertown)

The City of Watertown sent out the following information about the call for art for Bike Rack Design & Fabrication:

Four locations are available for artists, designers, or artist teams to design up to four bike racks. Artists may submit up to four designs and indicate which sites they are most interested in. For example, you may design one bike rack that you would like used across all four sites or four site specific bike racks, or one bike rack for one location, etc. Selected artist(s) will be paid $5,000 per bike rack.

LETTER: Vote on Tuesday, March 5 – Participate in Democracy

Every four years, this year on Tuesday, March 5th, United States citizens will exercise their right to vote for the candidate of their choice in the Presidential Primary Elections.Take the initiative to make a difference by casting your ballot; whether by mail; early voting process; or in person. On the Democratic ballot, the electorate will also vote their preference for the offices of Democratic State Committee Man and Woman. A slate of 35 candidates, also needs your support to serve on the Democratic Town Committee. Either vote for individuals, or the entire group.The Town Committee works to promote the objectives of the Democratic Party. 

To the surprise of many; names come and go from the roster of candidates, listed on the ballot for the Democratic Town Committee. To note: quasi term-limits do exist in some elected positions.

Watertown Library Gives Teens a Chance to Learn Weaving, Metalworking & Mural Making

The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Library:

The Watertown Free Public Library Teen Department is offering a five-part art series for area teens during the months of February, March, and April. Beyond our Experience: a Free Art Series for Teens is funded in part by a grant from the Watertown Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. Through this funding, those in grades 6–12 will have the opportunity to experience kinds of art not normally a part of the typical school curriculum. The series kicks off on February 29th with a weaving program. Participants will get the opportunity to try out weaving on multiple types of looms. On March 7th, a drawing bootcamp will include warm-ups and the ability to try out different drawing methods including how to draw portraits.