Watertown Middle School Hockey Team Repeats as League Champs

The Watertown Middle School hockey team won the Valley Middle School Hockey League in 2025, the second straight championship. For the second year in a row Watertown Middle School won the Valley Middle School Hockey League Championship. The following recap was provided by Pat Dayton. Watertown and Billerica battled back and forth throughout the fist with a score of 3-1 at the end of the first. Goals by Jake Mosca, Maguire Cruz, and Niko Taormina.

LETTER: Thoughts on Hiring of Federal Employees & Deal with Ukraine

Dear Editor,

I have considered myself a Liberal; however, my Wife Mary has said “you are not as Liberal as you think you are”. Therefore, I have considered myself a Practical Liberal. To me everyone seems cowed by President Trump and his new henchman Musk. However, I have thought Elon Musk or some other Oligarch has been there all along. As a former federal official, no one, even Democrats are telling you that “No” U.S. federal departments and agencies can simply create positions on their own without oversight and authorization.

LETTER: Take Watertown’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Survey

Dear Editor,

I write to highlight the following on Watertown’s ADA survey. From the website:

ADA Survey

Help support Watertown and its commitment to accessibility. Watertown is working with Kessler McGuinness & Associates, LLC (KMA) to develop an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan to ensure residents and visitors have access to all facilities, programs, and services. An important part of this planning process is providing opportunities for the public and people with disabilities to offer input and voice concerns. This survey is intended to gather preliminary data to assist the planning team in identifying and prioritizing any barriers to access for individuals with disabilities at Watertown’s facilities or within the programs and services it currently offers.

State Rep. Steve Owens Holding Pair of Office Hours in Watertown

State Rep. Steve Owens. Residents have the opportunity to meet with one of Watertown’s representatives on Beacon Hill this month when Steve Owens holds his office hours. See the announcement provided by Owens’ office below. State Rep. Steve Owens, a Democrat in the 29th Middlesex District made up of parts of West Cambridge, North Cambridge, and Watertown, has office hours in Cambridge and Watertown. Office hours will take place on Friday, March 7 from 9-10:30 a.m. at Kendall Kitchen at the Quad (10 Wilson Road, Cambridge), and Monday, March 17 from 3-4 p.m. at the Watertown Senior Center (31 Marshall St., Watertown).

Watertown Filmmaker’s Movie on History of Film in Mass. to be Screened with Q&A to Follow

Watertown’s Vatche Arabian teamed with Adam Roffman of Medford to create a movie about a century of filmmaking in Massachusetts. The film will be shown in Somerville, with a Q&A with the filmmakers on March 9. See more information in the announcement from the filmmakers below. Made in Massachusetts, a 3+ hour chronological journey through over 100 years of filmmaking in Massachusetts will screen on Sunday, March 9 at 1 p.m. at the Somerville Theatre in Davis Square, Somerville. 

Made In Massachusetts features clips from over 200 movies and television shows shot in the state starting with films from the silent era and going all the way through 2024. Highlighting cities and towns from Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, and Watertown to Concord, Martha’s Vineyard, Great Barrington, and everywhere in-between.

Musicians Wanted to Participate in the 12th Annual MusicFest

The 12th Annual Watertown MusicFest, benefiting music programs in the Watertown Public Schools, seeks performers of all ages and styles. See the announcement from the Friends of Watertown Music below. Calling all musicians: Friends of Watertown Music invites performers to register for our 12th Annual Watertown MusicFest through March 26th! Our Annual MusicFest is a fun community event, offering something for everyone with over 40 performances, across 3 stages, to be held this year on Friday, April 11th, from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. The variety of performers often includes student musicians, Watertown Public School teachers, local rock bands, established musicians, a vignette of musical theater, and more. Performances run from 5 to 20 minutes, so attendees have the chance to go around and see as many acts as they wish.

Gallery’s New Show, “Paint and Poetry,” On Display in March

The following announcement was provided by Storefront Art Projects:

Abstract paintings and preliminary sketches share the walls with poetry this month at Storefront Art Projects. Painters Pam Rajpal and James Kinny and Poet Edison Dupree each work from their heart, soul and guts. In the Poetry School Blog, “Smears & Caresses: The Poetry of Abstract Art”, from July 2020, Peter Hughes wrote: [Abstract art] … makes us look and it makes us think, and it makes us think about our thoughts.” 

Pam Rajpal whose group shows include Concord Art Association, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA and the Boston Drawing Project at Carroll and Sons, says, “Intuitively a conversation begins, and I follow my curiosity … the painting develops … over weeks and sometimes months of improvisation and revision … to speak like poetry — to invite contemplation, evoke feeling, and offer connection.” The visual “history of marks and layers invites the viewer to resist the immediate response of an Instagram feed, and connect to something hand made.”

James Kinny who showed with Nielsen Gallery, Matter & Light Fine Art, and the Drawing Project at Joseph Carroll and Sons says, “My paintings are my effort to quietly present my soul … Image is unimportant; color is not planned in any significant way. My work is akin to poetry rather than prose. I love a dialogue between beauty and discomfort, and I find satisfaction when a painting takes months or even years to find its completion … Archeology fascinates me, whether it’s a Sumerian dig or delving into my own history and finding a passage in one of my paintings that came from my 5-year-old self.”

Edison Dupree grew up in Kinston, North Carolina.

What Happens When We Study Delight? Library Invites Community to Find Out

The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Library:

This year, the Watertown Free Public Library (WFPL) has selected poet and author Ross Gay’s The Book of Delights for their annual community read, One Book, One Watertown. Taking cues from the book, the Library invites the local community to read along, attend themed programs in March, and consider the question, “what happens when we study delight?”

On Tuesday, March 18, WFPL will welcome Ross Gay, virtually, for “An Evening of Delight.” Attendees can chat with Ross Gay by joining from home via Zoom or in person, in the library, with Ross Gay up on the big screen. CART Services and ASL will be provided on Zoom. Also coming up in March: live music, a plant care workshop, art making, and more.