See the Latest Small Saves Cartoon

James DeMarco grew up in Watertown and became a goaltender at age 5. It’s his life’s passion to stand between the pipes and keep the puck out of the net. Combining this with the love of cartooning Small Saves emerged in 1991 and took on a life of his own. “To play goal – then come home and draw Small Saves — is my ideal definition of a good day.”

LETTER: East End Resident Says Streets Have Become Cut Throughs

Good day,

We have become the new cut through streets to Cambridge. Because Cambridge made a mess of their part of Belmont Street it has caused drivers to cut through our five East End streets: Prentiss, Keenan, Brimmer, Francis and St. Mary’s. 

Many times these people come down our streets at a high rate of speed. Speaking to some of our neighbors we think that speed bumps should be put in. I tried to contact the Town or City manager about this issue with no reply.

Watertown Cable Running Youth Film Camp this Summer

The following announcement was provide by Watertown Cable Access TV:

WCA-TV is excited to announce their two week Youth Film Camp taking place this July! Aspiring directors, filmmakers, editors, and actors will learn the building blocks to create their own film project. Students will learn the planning, technical, and editing skills to create a project of their choice. This camp is free of charge to all students thanks to a generous grant from the Watertown Cultural Council. It is open to Watertown residents, or students enrolled at a school located in Watertown, between the ages 9-17.

Hear About Funded Projects & How to Apply at Community Preservation Act Public Hearing

The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:

SAVE THE DATE for the Community Preservation Act (CPA) Annual Public Hearing, hosted by the Community Preservation Committee (CPC). Watertown City Hall in the Lower Hearing Room, Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 7 p.m.

Or join remotely via Zoom: Don’t miss this event for your chance to:

Hear more about the recently funded CPA Projects. Find out about the next steps for the Old Burying Ground and Common Street Cemeteries and the Commander’s Mansion Cultural Landscape projects. Tell us about your open space, outdoor recreation, community housing, and historic preservation priorities.

LETTER: Watertown Business Coalition’s Asks for the Watertown Square Area Plan

To Our Neighbors on the City Council & Planning Board,

We are writing to you today on behalf of the business community in and around Watertown Square. The Watertown Business Coalition (WBC) considers itself a community organization, so the thoughts presented herein are a balance between what is best for all stakeholders (residents, businesses, property owners, nonprofits and more …) in Watertown Square. The WBC has been actively engaged with the community since the Watertown Square Area Plan (WSAP) efforts began in Fall 2023, from holding WBC community events, kitchen table conversations, business roundtables, one-on-one meetings, and taking part in the several phases of planning run by the City. A myriad of ideas and suggestions have come from this process to lead us towards the proposed redesign and transformation of the Watertown Square Area. Two themes that continue to dominate conversation are traffic and housing.

Marshall Home Fund Awards $75K in Grants to Help Older Adults in Watertown

2024 Marshall Home Fund Grant recipients with current and former board members at the Grant Award Ceremony on May 23, 2024. The following information was provided by the Marshall Home Fund:

The Board of Directors of the Marshall Home Fund (MHF) is very pleased to announce the recipients of its latest round of program grant awards. This spring, the Board of Directors pledged $75,457 to local organizations for programs that will benefit residents of Watertown who are ages 55 and older. In awarding this latest round of grants, the MHF has reached a total of $1 million dollars awarded over a 19-year period for the benefit of older adults in Watertown. The 2024 grant recipients include:

Mass Assoc.

Watertown Square Meeting Thursday Night, Kids Activities Available

The City of Watertown provided the following information:

The Watertown Square Area Plan will be discussed at the upcoming Joint City Council and Planning Board Hearing on June 13 at 6 PM in the Watertown Middle School Auditorium. The Hearing will include a presentation from the Project Team, followed by an opportunity for public comment. You can access the full agenda for the Joint Hearing here. 

You can access the plan document on the project’s website or in the above agenda packet to learn about the Draft Plan. This Hearing is a hybrid meeting and you can give public comment either in-person or virtually. To join virtually, you can access the Hearing on June 13 by using this Zoom link, which can also be found on the project’s website and in the agenda above. The City of Watertown’s Recreation Department will also be hosting a “kids-space” during the Hearing for kids ages 5-12 in the Middle School Cafeteria to accommodate those attending! 

Printed copies of the Plan Document can be found at the Watertown Library and Senior Center. You can learn more about the project at the Watertown Square Area Plan website, where you can also reach out with any questions about the Joint Hearing.