Weekend Fun: Pride Festival, Tour Town’s Oldest House, Author’s Trip Down Charles River & More

A “Proud” flag is displayed during the 2022 Watertown Pride Parade. Watertown will celebrate its Pride this weekend, with the annual Pride Parade and Festival. History buffs have a couple of options, including taking a look inside a house built in the 1600, and a narrated slide show focusing on the Charles River. Mount Auburn Cemetery has a pair of events: a walking tour and a writing workshop. Also, enjoy Armenian music from the comfort of your home, or wherever, with an online concert.

Hours of Watertown City Hall, Senior Center & More Changing After Council Vote

Hours will be changing for Watertown City departments in City Hall, the Parker Annex, along with the Senior Center, after a City Council vote on Tuesday. These facilities will be open later on Tuesdays and close earlier on Fridays throughout the year. City Manager George Proakis said at a previous meeting that the change in hours would help the city recruit employees, and that many surrounding communities have early closings on Fridays. One area of concern was resident’s ability to pay bills at the Treasurer’s office on Fridays. “There have been discussions about how it affects particular employees, and how it impacts the public as a whole,” Proakis said.

Details of How a Man Tricked a Watertown Woman Into Ending Her Pregnancy Revealed, Suspect Arraigned

The man accused of giving a Watertown woman medicine that, unknown to her, would end her pregnancy, was arraigned in Court on Tuesday. More details of how he tricked his ex-girlfriend were revealed. Robert Kawada, 43, of Brookline, was charged with poisoning, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a pregnant person and assault and battery on a household or family member. Also, he was held on $100,000 bail, ordered to stay away from the victim, and to wear a GPS device, according to WCVB Channel 5. The woman met Kawada on a dating app in January, and they went on a few dates.

Find Out What Zoning Can Do, Its Limitations and More During Broadcast Hosted by Watertown’s City Manager

The City of Watertown’s Zoning Map. Watertown’s City Manager worked for two decades in planning departments, and he will share his knowledge in a live presentation on Watertown Cable TV called, “Zoning: An Implementation Tool – Past, Present, and Future.” George Proakis will appear on the live show, and take questions during the event on June 3, beginning at 6 p.m. It can be viewed on Comcast Channel 9, RCN Channel 3, or online at WCATV.org. Proakis told Watertown News that the presentation will be based on the class he has taught at Harvard for many years. The City of Watertown provided the following information:

Watch City Manager George Proakis present about zoning live at 6 p.m. on June 3, 2024, on Watertown Cable Access!

See Photos from the 2024 Watertown Memorial Day Parade

Watertown veterans marched in the 2024 Memorial Day Parade. (Photo by Natalie Nigito Photography)

Watertown veterans were joined by youth sports teams, scouts, the Watertown Police officers and Firefighters, bands and more during the 2024 Memorial Day Parade. The event ended with a ceremony at Victory Field that included the unveiling of a new tribute to veterans. Following the parade, a ceremony was held at Victory Field which included the unveiling of a chair honoring prisoner of war and missing in action. The POW-MIA Chair of Honor represent those service members who are unable to fill them because of their sacrifices, as well as reminding people of the men and women who serve our country every day.

Memorial Day Parade 2024: See Which Groups Will be Marching

The Watertown Memorial Day Parade will take place on Monday, May 27 beginning at noon at City Hall and ending at Victory Field. Following the procession, a ceremony will be held, which will include the dedication of a POW-MIA Chair at the field. The parade route starts at City Hall, heads west on Main Street, turns onto Waverley Avenue, and then onto Orchard Street. Parade Divisions

First Division

Watertown Police Department

Watertown Savings Bank

Watertown City and Local Officials

Shutt Detachment/VFW Post 1105/AMVETS Post 41

Navy Sea Cadets

Waltham American Legion Band

Watertown Fire Department

Second Division

Middlesex Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard

Knights of Columbus

Watertown High School and Middle School Band

Ancient Order of the Hibernians

The National Lancers

Panto Classic Automobiles

Watertown Historical Commission

Fred Bolzan Photography

North End Marching Band

Third Division

Watertown Scouts, Packs, Troops

The Roma Band

Watertown/Belmont Youth Football and Cheerleading

Watertown Council on Aging (Friends of the COA)

Watertown Youth Soccer

The Tony Barrie Band

Watertown Sons of Italy

Wind Jammers

Perfection Towing

Nonantum Children’s Christmas

For groups participating, staging will take place behind the Watertown Library and City Hall. Staging may begin at 10:30 a.m. The only vehicles that should remain in the library lot after staging should be vehicles in the parade.