The Town of Watertown wants to hear from residents about what they want to see from the town’s newest park.
Conservation Agent Christopher Hayward sent out the following announcement:
On October 7, 2015, the Watertown Conservation Commission will be having an informational discussion on Whitney Hill Park, (the wooded area in back of Victory Field and the Department of Public Works Facility on Orchard Street. The meeting will be held in the Lower Hearing Room of the Town Administration). Building at 7:30 p.m.
In 2013 the Town Council voted to make Whitney Hill an official town park. As part of that vote the Council requires the Conservation Commission to prepare and submit to the Town Manager, each year prior to Dec. 31, a recommended plan for maintenance and educational activities for Whitney Hill Park.
The Conservation Commission is asking for interested residents to come to the public meeting and present any thoughts or concerns they may have about the park. That information is crucial to the preparation of the Commission’s report.
If you cannot attend the meeting, please email your ideas to Christopher Hayward, Conservation Agent at
Why does every little speck of land need to be developed? Leave it alone as a wooded area.
I totally agree! Watertown will soon be left with no natural green space.
Agreed. It’s so natural (mostly) and peaceful.
I have lived in Watertown all my life and always enjoyed the woods as they are . Why spend tax dollars on something that is working fine ? I would say leave it alone.
Stop the overdevelopment in Watertown. We dont need another Park
Just to clarify for this and prior comments, this is already a park. Also, these are the things that the Conservation Commission wants to hear about at the upcoming meeting. As much as I hope they read Watertown News, there is no guarantee. The Conservation Officer did include his email at the end of the story, however.
Lets divide it up into lots and sell it to the highest bidders and use the $$$ to improve the terrible school system. That will raise the property values.
Please just leave it as it is. Watertown is getting ridiculous with development. We are losing our identity. I’ve lived here all my life and already feel like an outsider.
Got that right! If I wasn’t living in the house I was brought up in, I would not be able to afford Watertown as it is now. It’s a pity. Way to much development going on and the housing prices are prohibitive unless you are a millionaire!